- Television Venus 歌詞
- Television
- Tight toy night, streets were so bright.
今夜你就像穿緊身衣的玩具街道明亮如晝 The world looked so thin and between my bones and skin 世界彷彿縮水而消瘦在我的骨頭與皮膚之間 there stood another person who was a little surprised 佇立著另一個能給我點驚喜的人 to be face to face with a world so alive. 那是為了能和這個鮮活的世界面對面交流 I fell. 我跌倒了 DIDJA FEEL LOW? NO, Not at all. HUH??? 你感到落拓失意嗎不一點也不哈哈 I fell right into the Arms of Venus de Milo. 我剛好跌入了斷臂維納斯的懷抱
你知道它就像一種新藥 You know its all like some new kind of drug. 我的感官更加機敏我的手就像套上手套般敏捷 My senses are sharp and my hands are like gloves. 百老匯看上去有中世紀的味道 Broadway looked so medieval 似乎就像幾頁書一樣匆匆閱盡 it seemed to flap, like little pages: 我倒在人行道上和一個登台無數的朋友一塊放聲大笑 I fell sideways laughing with a friend from many stages. 我怎麼跌倒啦 How I felt. 你感到落拓失意嗎不一點也不哈哈 DIDJA FEEL LOW? NO, Not at all. HUH??? 我剛好跌入了斷臂維納斯的懷抱
突然我的眼神變得如此溫柔而微微顫抖 I fell right into the Arms of Venus de Milo. 我知道有點疼但疼痛好歹不是內傷
然後里奇里奇開腔 Suddenly my eyes went so soft and shaky. ”嘿伙計讓我們裝扮成警察 I knew there was pain but pain is not aching. 想想我們那樣能做些什麼!” Then Richie, Richie said: 但一個聲音一個聲音說“你最好別這樣” 'Hey man lets dress up like cops 我跌倒了 Think of what we could do!' 你感到落拓失意嗎不一點也不哈哈 But something, something said 'you better not.' 我爬起身來走出了斷臂維納斯的溫暖懷抱 And I fell.
DIDJA FEEL LOW? NO, Not at all. HUH??? I stood up, walked out of the Arms of Venus de Milo.