- My Least Favorite Life (From The HBO Series True Detective) 歌詞 Lera Lynn
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- Lera Lynn My Least Favorite Life (From The HBO Series True Detective) 歌詞
- Lera Lynn
- This is my least favorite life
吾生所願與此相去甚遠(這是我最不想要的人生) The one where you fly and I don't 滯留此處望君高飛(這裡你已遠走而我沒有) A kiss holds a million deceits 纏綿悱惻淨是暗室欺心(親吻背後隱藏多少謊言) And a lifetime goes up in smoke 此般光景皆如浮雲消散(一段人生就這樣煙消雲散) This is my least favorite you 對君所願與此相去甚遠(這是我最不想要的你) Who floats far above earth and stone 急於求成漂浮不定(遠離地面飄在空中) The nights that I twist on the rack 輾轉反側夜夜深受折磨(而我在深夜裡煎熬難眠) Is the time that I feel most at home 感同身受時時視之如歸(反而覺得是自己的歸屬)
與君閑庭漫步(我們漫步在樹蔭下的光影裡) Were wandering in the shade 落葉簌簌(葉落聲沙沙響著) And the rustle of fallen leaves 鳥語葉叢(鳥兒在葉緣停著) A bird on the edge of a blade 然失情意,徒留追憶(可是失去了,我的愛,只在這樣的回憶裡) Lost now forever, my love, in a sweet memory 車輪剝離終點(遠離站台的火車)
青天褪盡靛色(褪去藍色的天空) The station pulls away from the train 折損雙翼之私語(一對殘破翅膀在竊竊私語) The blue pulls away from the sky 或歸君所有,或歸吾所有(也許是你的,也許是我的) The whisper of two broken wings 吾生所願與此相去甚遠(這是我最不想要的人生) May be they're yours, maybe they're mine 使吾迷離恍惚(這裡我頭腦已不清醒) This is my least favorite life 與君天差地遠(這裡伸手也碰觸不到你) The one where I am out of my mind 望君高飛(這裡留著我卻放走了你) The one where you are just out of reach 吾今閑庭漫步(即使漫步在樹蔭下的光影裡) The one where I stay and you fly 落葉簌簌(葉落聲沙沙響著)
鳥語葉叢(鳥兒在葉緣停著) Im wandering in the shade 然失情意,徒留追憶(可是失去了,我的愛,只在這樣的回憶裡) And the rustle of fallen leaves A bird on the edge of the blade Lost now forever, my love, in a sweet memory