- Madilyn Bailey Dreams 歌詞
- Madilyn Bailey
你又這樣做了 Now here you go again 你說你渴望自由 You say you want your freedom 但我每次都讓你失望 Well who am I to hold you down 理應如此才是正道 Its only right that you should 按你自己的方式遊山玩水 Play the way you feel it 我一絲不苟地聽著 But listen carefully to the sound 你那絕望的嘶吼 Of your loneliness 他們就像心跳使你失去理智 Like a heartbeat drives you mad 我被困在回憶你曾經擁有的寂靜中 In the stillness of remembering what you had 你曾失去的 And what you lost.... 你曾擁有的! And what you had.... 閃電只在翻雨覆雲中大發雷霆 Thunder only happens when its raining 演員只在裝模作樣時對你愛不釋手 Players only love you when theyre playing 盡情宣洩吧!女王們!因為他們會盛大登場也會遠走高飛 Said,women,they will come and they will go 當春風雨露洗淨了你的靈魂你將知道 When the rain washes you clean youll know 你會黑白分明 Youll know 你將恍然大悟 Youll know 我又這樣做了我看到了那水晶般的幻想 Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions 我把我的願望留在心裡 I keep my visions to myself 只有我 Its only me 想要纏著你的夢想 Who wants to wrap around your dreams and.... 但你有什麼想要放棄的夢想嗎 Have you any dreams youd like to sell? 那些形影單隻的願望啊 Dreams of loneliness 就像永不絕息的心跳把你逼瘋 Like a heartbeat drives you mad 而我成了你曾經記憶中的囚徒 In the stillness of remembering what you had.... 你所失去的! And what you lost.... 所曾擁有的! And what you had.... 閃電只在翻雨覆雲中大發雷霆 Thunder only happens when its raining 演員只在裝模作樣時對你愛不釋手 Players only love you when theyre playing 盡情宣洩吧!女王們!因為他們會盛大登場也會遠走高飛 Said,women,they will come and they will go 當春風雨露洗淨了你的靈魂 你將知道 When the rain washes you clean you'll know 你會黑白分明 Youll know 你將恍然大悟 Youll know 閃電只在翻雨覆雲中大發雷霆 Thunder only happens when its raining 演員只在裝模作樣時對你愛不釋手 Players only love you when theyre playing 盡情宣洩吧!女王們!因為他們會盛大登場也會遠走高飛 Said,women,they will come and they will go 當春風雨露洗淨了你的靈魂你將知道 When the rain washes you clean youll know 你會理解我的用心良苦 Youll know 你才會恍然大悟 Youll know