- 楊家成 十年前vs十年後 歌詞
- 楊家成
- 編曲:Riza Penjoel
十年前: 十年前的生活就是比你們現在好 Life 10 years ago is much better than yours 不會為了所謂的觸屏手機而感到多麼煩惱 Phones with touchscreen never bother us 十年前的我們坐在飯桌歡聲笑語 10 years ago dinners' always filled with laughter 而你們現在只會拿著個手機低頭沉默不語 Now you guys never talk but play with your phones 我們從前拍的照片自然美有不言語的美 Pictures are always natural back in our days 而你們現在遍地的嘴臉全都只靠P Now everybody's pictures are photoshopped 如今各種炫富的PYQ都充斥著你的WX Now people just brag about the money in PYQ 但我空間裡只有家長說他孩子考到B While parents still care about their kids' study in my QQ Zone
現在: 觸屏手機給我們生活帶來了許多方便 Touchscreen Phones brought us convenience 你們板磚留著難道用來墊著你家泡麵? What are you gonna do with your phones look like a brick? 我們現在學會了P照片是因為我們都在學習 Photoshop is a skill you can never learn 說不定以後還能混個PS專家文憑 We might even be PS experts with a certificate 交通發達想去哪了就去哪 We can go anywhere we want with developed transportation 不想像你們騎個單車慢慢到山下? Yet it takes forever for you to go out with your bikes PYQ的炫富證明如今生活更加富裕 People brag about the money coz they're well-off 十年前的你們請你不要太過妒忌 You're only saying this out of jealousy
Hook x2: 10年前同我10年後 10 years ago versus now 我以前怎麼會這麼醜 How can I look so ugly back then 10年前同我10年後 10 years ago versus now 未來的我看起來有點蠢 How can I look so silly then
十年前(粵語): 我從未有過妒忌因為十年前是最美 I never got jealous coz I love our times 周杰倫的巔峰始終都在我的心裡回味 This is Jay Chou's prime of his career 每日調個鬧鐘準時拿人家的菜 I set the alarm everyday to steal from people's farm 會員點卡沖不停掏空我的口袋 Ispend all my money on top-up cards of games
現在(粵語): 你可能不知十年後的杰倫依然總在巔峰 Guess what Jay Chou's still at his prime 不再偷菜但為能量種樹依然調個鬧鐘 Now I set the alarm to collect energy for planting trees 現在不衝點卡變成視頻VIP Top-up cards are out now we get VIP 不止口袋空空還要還清HB TAT Still broke but gotta pay my loans
Hook x2: 10年前同我10年後 10 years ago versus now 我以前怎麼會這麼醜 How can I look so ugly back then 10年前同我10年後 10 years ago versus now 未來的我看起來有點蠢 How can I look so silly then
十年前: Let me take you to a trip down memory lane. 讓我帶你回憶一下 Year 2009 yo that's where I stay. 現在是2009年這才是美好的時光 Foo forget ya cellphones, in the streets we play. 傻子放下手機好好看眼前的世界 Man, life was better pimpin' back in the day. Hey! 兄弟現在的生活比較好嘿 Bro hold ya head up, y'all looking like the day of the dead. 不要太累你們看起來好迷茫 Are you just sleeping over there fool, I'll put you to bed. 你是不是睡著了我可以哄你睡 Don't worry, after this battle I'll put you to rest. 別擔心battle輸了你就可以睡了 They all nostalgic now cause old school is the best. 你們是不是很懷念我們啊
現在: Aye yo, you buggin', man you out of yo mind. 喲你是不是傻你瘋了嗎 My time is now, we doin' perfectly fine. 我們這個現在才是完美的 We always on our phones, that's how we stay connected. 我們的手機可以讓世界各地的我們聯繫上 Oh look at that, I just bought you breakfast. 你看吧我用手機就幫你點了個早餐 Can't even dream to do that back in ya day. 你們的年代可以嗎 But bro on this mic, best believe I slay. 老兄聽我說因為我最強 Any MC that try to step to me. 任何MC想battle我 This battle man you just lost, you ancient history. Hey! 都會輸的很慘 因為你太out了 嘿!