- Madrugada electric 歌詞
- Madrugada
- Pack your bag, run away
收拾你的行囊,逃之夭夭 Along a freeway, out of town 沿著高速公路,遠離城市 Where you'd like and the night is over 你想去哪裡,黑夜已散盡 It's alright 沒關係 From despair, between the sheets 始於絕望,床笫之間
難以忍受,徘徊輾轉 Spilling over, spinning round 痴痴地等待,在大街上
既不苦澀,也不香甜,oh ho Waiting still, in the street 再一次緊緊擁你入懷
再一次緊緊擁你入懷 Ain't it bitter, ain't it sweet, oh ho 別匆忙,不著急,我的摯愛 Holding, holding on to you again 再一次緊緊地、緊緊地擁你入懷
我打賭你是仰臥的,在他車的後座 Holding, holding on to you again 黑色的牛,胡椒之夜
迪倫·托馬斯,詩篇流傳 No rushing, don't rush it, my love 昏然倒地 Holding on, holding, holding on to you 浴室裡,詭異之光籠罩 Bet you lie on your back in the backseat of his car 我們不必重來 Cattle black, pepper night 吟這曲兒,歌唱 Dylan Thomas, pass around 飲這杯酒,愛人 Passing out on the floor Oh, 唉...在那你我停留了多少的時間 In the bathroom, black light vail 唉...無法相信我的雙眼 We don't need once again 唉...我已消磨多少光陰 Sing the song, sing 唉...我難以緊擁,不,繼續 Drink the wine, love 再一次緊緊擁你入懷 Oh, well how long did we stay in there 再一次緊緊擁你入懷 Well I can't believe my eyes 我已準備好,準備就緒,我的摯愛 Well how long did I take this 再一次緊緊擁你入懷 Well I can't hold on no, hold on Holding, holding on to you again Holding, holding on to you again I'm ready, I 'm ready, my love Holding, holding on to you