- 光栄BGM部 Last Surprise -Scramble- 歌詞
- 光栄BGM部
- You try to run me through hold on
你試圖逃離這裡麼站住 Think again dont you know what youre starting 煩請三思你也不知道你招惹的是誰 But...you sure aint got a clue how bad 不過你應該還沒搞清接下來要發生的血雨腥風 This will go dont you know know my art 難道你還不明白我的美學嗎 (Art of war) (戰爭的美學) And as you look to the horizon not a cloud 你抬頭望向遠方此時萬里無雲 But then stormy weathers caught you cold 但暴風雨的到來馬上會讓你措手不及 Seems like it crept up out of nowhere all around 一切發生地似乎毫無徵兆 You its not quite what you foretold 凡事並不能都如你所願 Youll never see it coming 你永遠預測不到它的到來 Youll see that my mind is too fast for eyes 你將見證我的思緒雷厲風行 Youre done in 你的末日已至 By the time its hit you, your last surprise 擊中的那一刻便是贈與你的最後一份驚喜 Ooooh 哦 You think you got your game planned out 你以為你的計劃已經萬無一失 To a T Yet Im two steps ahead yeah 然而我早已領先甚遠 So.. .you step into my way stand down 於是你放鬆警惕試圖攔住我的去路 Its a trap one more step and youre dead 然而這只是我設下的陷阱多踏一步便萬劫不復 (Yeah youre dead) (你已窮途末路) Why just a picosecond ago clear blue skies 為何剛剛還晴空萬里 But now lightnings struck your last resolve 轉眼間便雷聲大作吞沒你的決意 Its not an accident that no one hears your cries 這一切並非巧合無人能聽到你的呼救 As your last strength seems to dissolve 你最後的力量也將分崩離析 Youll never see it coming 你永遠預測不到它的到來 Youll see that my mind is too fast for eyes 你將見證我的思緒雷厲風行 Youre done in 你的末日已至 By the time its hit you, your last surprise 擊中的那一刻便是贈與你的最後一份驚喜 I'm coming for you 我正是沖你而來 My games always so fast, so fine 我的演出永遠完美無缺 Youre spun in 你驚覺大事不妙 By the net you didnt catch it in time 落入陷阱之中你已無法追趕上我 Ooooh 哦 Better think about your game 最好再重新考慮你的計劃 Are you sure your next moves the right one for you 你確定你的下一步已萬無一失了嗎 Are you sure you wont get outmaneuvered 你確定你不會再被我智取 Again and again my friend 從而無數次重蹈覆轍嗎朋友 Youll never see it coming 你永遠預測不到它的到來 Youll see that my mind is too fast for eyes 你將見證我的思緒雷厲風行 Youre done in 你的末日已至 By the time its hit you, your last surprise 擊中的那一刻便是贈與你的最後一份驚喜 Im coming for you 我正是沖你而來 My games always so fast, so fine 我的演出永遠完美無缺 Youre spun in 你驚覺大事不妙 By the net you didnt catch it in time 落入陷阱之中你已無法追趕上我 Ooooh 哦