- The Ataris in this diary 歌詞
- The Ataris
- The Ataris -《In This Diary》
在這本日記中 Here in this diary, 我將我的夏日見聞寫給你 I write you visions of my summer. 這是我度過最美好的時光 It was the best I ever had. 那裡有合唱隊,大家一起歌唱 There were choruses and sing-alongs, 這是一種難以言表的情感 and not a spoken feeling. 我知道當下 I′m knowing that right now 才是最重要的 is all that matters. 那幾個夜晚,我們徹夜暢談 All the nights we stayed up talking 聽80年代的歌 and listening to 80′s songs; 說著我們喜歡的 quoting lines from all those 電影台詞 movies that we love. 現在想起來我仍會不由自主地笑 It still brings a smile to my face. 我想,這一切都歸結於此 I guess when it comes down to it... 長大成人 Being grown up 不及成長過程的一半有趣 isn′t half as fun as growing up: 那是我們度過最美好的日子 These are the best days of our lives. 唯一重要的是 The only thing that matters 要跟隨你的心 is just following your heart 最後一切都會恢復正常 and eventually you′ll finally get it right. 闖入酒店的游泳池
在我們的世界搞個大破壞 Breaking into hotel swimming pools, 在卡車休息站玩耍,只為了消磨時間 and wreaking havoc on our world. 戴著黑帽子的人唱著歌哄我入睡 Hanging out at truck stops just to pass the time. 在停車場點燃煙火 The black top′s singing me to sleep. 照亮黑夜 Lighting fireworks in parking lots , 在夏日夜晚的月光喝著櫻桃味的可樂 illuminate the blackest nights. 在2015河畔旁 Cherry cokes under this moonlight summer sky. 到了說再見的時候 2015 Riverside, 打上公交 it′s time to say, 'goodbye.' 是時候離開了
長大成人 Get on the bus, 還不及成長過程一半有趣 it′s time to go. 那是我們度過最美好的日子 Being grown up 唯一重要的是 isn′t half as fun as growing up: 要跟隨你的心 These are the best days of our lives. 最後你會做對
做對 The only thing that matters 做對 is just following your heart, 長大成人 and eventually you′ll finally get it right. 還不及成長過程一半有趣
那是我們度過最美好的日子 get it right. 唯一重要的是
要跟隨你的心 get it right. 最後你會做對
長大成人 Being grown up 還不及成長過程一半有趣 isn ′t half as fun as growing up: 那是我們度過最美好的日子 These are the best days of our lives. 唯一重要的是 The only thing that matters 要跟隨你的心 is just following your heart 最後你會做對 and eventually you′ll finally get it right.
Being grown up isn′t half as fun as growing up: These are the best days of our lives. The only thing that matters is just following your heart and eventually you′ll finally get it right.
The Ataris
Y100 Sonic Sessions, Volume 7
The Ataris
> the Cheyenne line
> up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start
> summer wind was always our song
> bite my T區那個
> new years day
> looking back on today
> alone in Santa Cruz
> The Boys of Summer
> Road Signs And Rock Songs
> My Reply
> Clara
> Hey Kid
> The Saddest Song
> San Dimas High School Football Rules
> Takeoffs and Landings
> Your Boyfriend Sucks
> Losing Streak
> Angry Nerd Rock
> Not Capable Of Love
> I Won't Spend Another Night Alone
> In This Diary
> And We All Become Like Smoke
> Four Chord Wonder
> Song # 13
> Fast Times At Drop-Out High
> Anderson
> The Boys Of Summer
> I.O.U One Galaxy
> As We Speak
> Sleepy
- The Ataris
> Kevin bean: the year they recalled Santa Claus
> Warped Tour 2001 Tour Compilation
> Welcome the Night
> Double Shot: Punk
> Y100 Sonic Sessions, Volume 7
> End Is Forever
> ...Anywhere But Here
> So Long, Astoria
> Blue Skies, Broken Hearts...Next 12 Exits
> Kevin & Bean: The Year They Recalled Santa Claus