- 947.ASH TOP 歌詞
- 947.ASH
- 編曲:SAN E
V1 很多的事情我做過但是後悔做錯 生命中的云云過客也難免擦肩錯過 一直往前全憑著一股狠勁 試圖擦掉身體拼搏之後的痕跡 雖然有落寞還是要倔強抬起頭 要break wall再向大家激動揮著手 向過往的曾經笑著說再見 用盡全力去爭取下一個賽點 不艷羨不善變也會不受人待見 受傷的惆悵的只是區區一場敗戰 會感到難堪 這是阻擋不了你的欄杆 將人生顛覆翻轉 陰霾一刀斬斷 HOOK I climbed up the mountain faith in my hands Put your worries behind on the highest top stand Be a Hustle man I know how do I can Nobody knows me but I am always the N0.one I climbed up the mountain faith in my hands Put your worries behind on the highest top stand Be a Hustle man I know how do I can Nobody knows me but I am always the N0.one V2 我說過我的故事記在心裡寫在桌前 我丟掉一切煩惱因為是噩夢的開端 選擇的路一定自己要走完 別問了我總是這樣英雄孤膽 誰也別想把我打倒也做不了我的夢魘 我就這樣衝到最前一口氣沖到終點 哪怕千難萬險擋在我的面前 腳步不會停下一腳踢向天邊 就是這樣拼命的怪物 所有事情對我來說沒有任何難處 要拼到何時才告訴我這算輸 眼光不會停留在這高山半途 而廢之後又是一場爛醉 拿著酒瓶高聲喊著萬歲 這樣墮落的自己應該狠狠踩碎 給一切的不開心都統統判罪 要統統擊潰 HOOK I climbed up the mountain faith in my hands Put your worries behind on the highest top stand Be a Hustle man I know how do I can Nobody knows me but I am always the N0.one I climbed up the mountain faith in my hands Put your worries behind on the highest top stand Be a Hustle man I know how do I can Nobody knows me but I am always the N0.one