- Phil Wickham Mercy 歌詞
- Phil Wickham
- Made from the dust and breathed into life
受造於塵土,被注入生命之息 He stood unashamed with a fire in His eyes 他目光中帶著渴望,坦蕩地佇立 The image of God walking upon the world 上帝的形象行走在大地之上 All of the earth was under His feet 整個世界就踏在他的腳底 Except for the fruit from a forbidden tree 除了那一顆禁果之樹上的果實 He took a taste and that's how he breaks the world 他嚐了禁果,正是如此打破了世界定規 He cried Mercy, Mercy 他呼求憐憫,仁慈 He broke the whole world with the fruit of a tree 他因善惡樹上的果實而打破了世界的定規 Have mercy 懇求憐憫
天堂至地上,從高處降臨 Heaven to Earth came down from on high 名中帶有希望,眼裡帶著熱枕 With Hope in His name and a fire in His eyes 豐滿的神性行走在大地上 The fullness of God walking upon the world 他說他既是愛,以寶血作證 He said He was love then proved it with blood 從死裡復生以證明他既是神 And rose from the dead to prove He was God 為拯救世界付出了生命的代價 And that's what it takes for one man to save the world 如此憐憫,仁慈 Oh such Mercy, Mercy 當他被懸掛在十架上時,他拯救了全世界 He saved the whole world when He hung on a tree 如此慈愛 Such mercy 如今在我們的血肉身軀上
天國正在築起歸屬地 Now here inside of our skin and bones 上帝的國度存於世界遠處 Heaven above is making it's home 如祂那般去愛,如祂那般奉獻 The kingdom of God living upon the world 去傳講使人得以重生的故事 To love like He loves and give like he gives 若要改變這個世界,這便是我們要付出的 To tell the story that makes dead men live 憐憫,仁慈 And that's what it takes if we're gonna to change the world 祢的愛是一首歌,向我傳唱 Mercy, Mercy 是慈愛 Your love is a song and You sing over me Mercy