- Charlee Nguyen Dear, Sanny 歌詞
- Charlee Nguyen
- - Pearl, you have to tell me what's wrong.
-珀爾,你得告訴我怎麼了。 - Sometimes you even sound like her. -有時候你說話跟她一模一樣。 Do you remember this place? 你還記得這個地方嗎? Do you have any of her memories? 你有關於她的記憶嗎? We were right here over five thousand years ago. 5000多年前我們就在這裡。
-我所做的一切,都是為了她。 - Everything I ever did, I did for her. 現在她走了? 但我仍在這裡。 (仍在這裡) Now, she's gone?but I'm still here.(still here) -有時,我想知道她是否能透過你的眼睛看到我。 - Sometimes, I wonder if she can see me through your eyes. 哦,她現在會怎麼看我? Oh, what would she think of me now? -好的,我覺得你很棒。 - Well, I think you're pretty great.