- JMz Money 歌詞
- JMz
- BEAT JesterBeats
mix Lil Boo Money I got many you may feel shaky and sweaty 'Forget it!' she cut in No money 根本不搭理 I've never heard anything so silly esay boom 背景太硬穿金戴銀 不停的buying at a price 火力全開沒空陪你tap tap/滴水/ Money I got many you may feel shaky and sweaty 'Forget it!' she cut in No money 根本不搭理 I've never heard anything so silly esay boom 背景太硬穿金戴銀 不停的buying at a price 火力全開沒空陪你tap tap/滴水/ Key to my safe box等於墜入神秘的金礦un 像B r i c s甦醒後見到別緊張un 嫉妒的young king young boss 都來瘋狂的check me 打開那豐厚的基底 看清楚我們在不同的d e p t h depth 想把我研究 in-depth No 早衝過終點卻還有人炫耀著白紙most 看不起ghetto gang和那點僅剩的manliness/男子氣概/ 別虛張聲勢我腰纏萬貫你女神備註bad b@ch 別想從這拿走任何金銀和財寶 我連你的也會一點一點消化掉 we like bullion 每天在熔爐裡重鑄而 蛀蟲在燃燒中抽搐 不能和高級的同步 !!!!!! bow before money 裝備都鑲嵌了Gold 機器轟鳴 印出新鮮鈔票的香氣充斥my nose hidden gem wow we r so close 看那些faker都迫切想接近 可惜你level不夠 Money I got many you may feel shaky and sweaty 'Forget it!' she cut in No money 根本不搭理 I've never heard anything so silly esay boom 背景太硬穿金戴銀 不停的buying at a price 火力全開沒空陪你tap tap/滴水/ Money I got many you may feel shaky and sweaty 'Forget it!' she cut in No money 根本不搭理 I've never heard anything so silly esay boom背景太硬穿金戴銀 不停的buying at a price 火力全開沒空陪你tap tap/滴水/ I've got loads of money so i never chase he spent all money already i have never taste 都關進墳墓 戰績榜增添了不少分數 不滿足現狀get some bling on 閃著金光精裝 賞金多來點 沒有的我都想來點 勝利後私人飛機上hustle到缺氧e 總有人收集不要的邊角料還假裝著倔強 time to sleep 這是一場戰爭不是你聖誕老人送的biu 等到了剩下殘羹剩飯正好你睡醒又爬過來嗅 we are the ghost鑽進了搖籃曲get a chance to kill Please. More money不是工作 這是場華麗的show Money I got many you may feel shaky and sweaty 'Forget it!' she cut in No money 根本不搭理 I've never heard anything so silly esay boom 背景太硬穿金戴銀 不停的buying at a price 火力全開沒空陪你tap tap/滴水/ Money I got many you may feel shaky and sweaty 'Forget it!' she cut in No money 根本不搭理 I've never heard anything so silly esay boom 背景太硬穿金戴銀 不停的buying at a price 火力全開沒空陪你tap tap/滴水/