- 魚眠 Whisper of Spring(翻自 晝夜) 歌詞
- 魚眠
- Whisper of Spring
Whisper of Spring
原曲:與雲書by晝夜 原曲:與雲書by晝夜 策劃:南唐弄 策劃:南唐弄 作詞:一笑瑯然Echo 作詞:一笑瑯然Echo 譯:年將侯、April 譯:年將侯、April 後期:鴻雁 後期:鴻雁 歌手:魚眠【KA.U】 歌手:魚眠【KA.U】 海報畫手:-杳清- 海報畫手:-杳清- 海報/剪輯:南塘弄 海報/剪輯:南塘弄 題字:CanffeeX甜桃酒痞 題字:CanffeeX甜桃酒痞 CV:何宵【KA.U】 CV:何宵【KA.U】
Were it not for the delight of it 若不是對它過分青睞 How can rejoicing beyond words 欣喜怎溢於言外 round the ice 青丫瞞著冰花,把春風入懷 Branches embrace the spring inside 執手奔過秋冬蕭瑟,將春帷掀開 Hand in hand through the autumn winter , spring awake outside 雀躍驚起百蟄, Jump for joy rouse the fairy,they all see the sight 它們不會嗔怪
Clouds are floating and don't know where to stop 纖雲變幻莫測在空中錯落 They painted sky with all the stars as its tool 手指勾繪,以穹宇作畫布, And a whale is kissing the cloud 飛魚正輕吻雲朵 How can the spring tells the scene? 畫中含義寄與春說 It must feel the love in this painting 說洶湧無盡愛意如火 The fever of it can't be damped by the rain 說要用雲雨滂沱才可中和
How I wish share the spring with you 說要與你平分一汪春色 We had moment only we can mark 將信物鏤刻去彰顯獨特 Holding your hands travelling around the town 繞指緊扣一路放肆歡歌 Telling the world we are together 不掩飾與你的情投意合
You can see the moonlight cover the world 熙春潮波里月色多皎澈 Above the stars there were fireworks 星辰掛天上是煙火定格 The spring can tell all I feel 將滿腔愛意啊去寄與春說
I have met the young smile bashfully and stutter, 也曾見少年羞赧含笑結舌 have met budding rose that telling the missing and reminiscence as well 也曾見到薔薇說著回饋他他他含蓄而過 They are ardour but gingerliness 是莽撞是坦然自若 It's graceful bearing of lover in the play 是戲中你我風姿綽綽 Also the ink that have written on the wall 是已落筆成文不改的書墨
You know that I want to share it with you 訴說著要與你平分春色 I might be nervous cant tell you the words 也許太慎重使語調生澀 The season gave me all her patience 春姑娘還在溫柔聽著 Listening to everything we talk 聽著你與我的種種言說
Stars and flame will be remembered 星辰與煙火都會被定格 The never- ending affection relate to whom 綿長情意竟然如此之多 better to send it with Spring because it will remember 那便寄與春說它會記錄著
Finally I shared the spring with you 就要與你平分一汪春色 Every moment you were always there 將信物鏤刻去彰顯獨特 Holding your hands travelling around the world 繞指緊扣一路放肆歡歌 And they'll know we are together 不掩飾與你的情投意合
Stars and flame will be remembered 星辰與煙火都會被定格 Spring will remember the wishes of what they send to it 將滿腔愛意啊去寄與春說