- Mr.COLE 自 我 毀 滅 歌詞
- Beat:DJcc
Mix:DJcc Lab:808crew Wreck myself wreck myself wreck all the night I see my horror lymphocyte Devil told me that was right Wreck myself wreck myself wreck all the night I see my horror lymphocyte Devil told me that was right 今天出門是否需要背著包 幻想自己還會再次飛得高 天上的烏雲是重生的符號 雨滴落在身上把自己變成了人形的毒藥 woo為什麼我們生來就是孤獨 正常的身軀卻要搭配著靈魂侏儒 夢境和事實總是如此出入 淡忘的故事正在向我耳邊哭訴 so woo希望破碎散落到處 煙霧瀰漫 把傷疤罩住 也許我會像上帝一樣造物 把傷痛從高處墜落形成拋物 無盡的夜晚穿過凌晨 從天空墜落再變成了行人 對黑白的世界已經早有聽聞 不想再被感染掉那僅存的靈魂 Wreck myself wreck myself wreck all the night I see my horror lymphocyte Devil told me that was right Wreck myself wreck myself wreck all the night I see my horror lymphocyte Devil told me that was right 如果有一天我可以回到過去 你們離開我的方式只是惡作劇 時間把將會把失去的理智過濾 只要能拼起生命的碎片我會不再猶豫 應該我是在做一場噩夢 時間只是停止在了我的心中 清醒之後會發現今天 你們早就站在了我的身邊 wreck all the night devil told me that was right Wreck myself wreck myself wreck all the night I see my horror lymphocyte Devil told me that was right Wreck myself wreck myself wreck all the night I see my horror lymphocyte Devil told me that was right