- Lee.H More 歌詞
- Lee.H
- prod.by.保安隊長
keep hustle everyday l am not falling (每日忙碌我不再墮落) god please take me away with no thinking (上帝請您不假思索的把我帶走) it means somewhere full of free that is my calling (我的期望是現實中充滿自由的地方) a bit more than you a bit more than you (總是做的比你們多一點) keep hustle everyday l am not falling (每日忙碌我不再墮落) god please take me away with no thinking (上帝請您不假思索的把我帶走) it means somewhere full of free that is my calling (我的期望是現實中充滿自由的地方) a bit more than you a bit more than you (總是做的比你們多一點) lll gonna do it from day one (那就從第一天開始做) 擋路的都得靠邊站 restart this game (重啟這遊戲) no one love being that lame (無人甘願平庸) 過時的都擊散 老套的韻腳求救的信號 合十禱告無趣的病號 so lets turn it up wake it up to be that who can 進入實驗區讓你見分曉 aint no多變的flow 這次出現個夠 this called 封建樂透專搗爛古板的殺手 不用誰加油undo是為了更好改變會做得趁早 才不會像刺秦王的荊軻去送死的新歌被洪流所吞沒至少 就a bit more than you 每天 靠積累不作秀水邊 有活夠的人信出沒的神沒救也不自救麻木的魂 那麼是否還要這樣掛起託辭當做屏障 uhh講不出惑想不如做自己決定未來形狀 listen to me aka Lee 用著高級的beat 讓我炫技術 no crazy 只是有靈感堆積的命加力再衝刺為你畫地圖 不動武力也讓你會信服away from 滑稽的鸚鵡所以聽清楚this is come from LYH keep hustle everyday l am not falling (每日忙碌我不再墮落) god please take me away with no thinking (上帝請您不假思索的把我帶走) it means somewhere full of free that is my calling (我的期望是現實中充滿自由的地方) a bit more than you a bit more than you (總是做的比你們多一點) keep hustle everyday l am not falling (每日忙碌我不再墮落) god please take me away with no thinking (上帝請您不假思索的把我帶走) it means somewhere full of free that is my calling (我的期望是現實中充滿自由的地方) a bit more than you abit more than you (總是做的比你們多一點) 先積跬步我才走千里 路過的每處都是天意 我不用你佩服也不要仙氣 積蓄直到悟出真諦 只用分力不同的風格就捉到手 試過我再選最好的再擁有 build the hottest one 詞語就氾濫 從我出口就知道我功力佔 幾成失控的夢境還有幾層是我積累的動力需要平衡 口吐蓮花排列出發擋路就碾成人渣 因為每天都比你多一點來實驗區我能力就盡顯 水擊三千里盤古開天地風氣已充溢這是體驗點 體驗點已經出現come on in做我的單曲封面 做到標杆要做到司馬彥給出模板那就自己練 少見那也要足夠自信 要老練可生來就執著任性 循環播放還要放幾遍跑起來我們在風裡見