- Together We Stand 歌詞 雲柒 陳木木 泡芙芙Scarlett Levi from TAD 空瓶
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- 空瓶 Together We Stand 歌詞
- 雲柒 陳木木 泡芙芙Scarlett Levi from TAD 空瓶
- 作曲:汐月兔Ariona
作詞:Levi 編曲:Scott Holmes 演唱:空瓶/雲柒/陳木木/泡芙芙 策劃:Levi 封面:Levi 後期:CReiFu 特別鳴謝:小幸運鬼/行星/崔鶴山/一色 出品:Twilight at Dusk
【空瓶】 I met u here 我們遇見 Said nothing 相顧無言 deadly silence,surrounded me 死寂蔓延,將我吞噬 【雲柒】 I Kept on dreaming 是夢也好,讓我繼續 I, wanna be saved from the mass Deception 從這巨型騙局中掙脫出的希冀 【空瓶】 Even after disasters, its hard to change. 歷經災難,劣性難改 【雲柒】 Kids were crying but no ones listening 孩童哭泣,無人聆聽 【空瓶&雲柒】 Not believing in the goodness of the world 世本冷漠,何來善意 【陳木木&泡芙芙】 Are u willing to (take my hand) 你可願意(將我的手牽緊?) its hard to ( let go the barriers) 縱使(隔閡難以拋棄) We are born in { different places and(we are) of different races} 我們是生於(世界各地,不同種族的人群) We all have the ( we have the same hurdle) 但有著(同樣的羈絆) Choke up the light 曙光漸暗 Droughts, floods, hill fires, cold waves 旱災、水澇、山火、寒潮 Its a hand -made doomsday 這是我們親手製造的末日 Lives have lost 生命流逝 【空瓶&雲柒】 Here comes nightmare 恍如噩夢 Worse than it means (Viruses ravage, epidemics ravage) 卻是比噩夢更要冰冷的現實, (病毒肆掠,疫病橫行) Bodies strewn outside the doors 門外屍橫遍野
Homes are full of holes 家園千瘡百孔 pointless arguments and reincarnations (beat us black and blue) 爭執又輪迴,遍體鱗傷 going to continue ? 仍在繼續 Why is it going to ( to the hard ground) 為何繼續, 已陷地獄
White , yellow,or tan skins (strength are gathering) 白,黃,與黑色皮膚的人群( 力量匯聚) All messed up Turns to grey 互相討伐,只會更灰暗 with some light ( so colors too) 懷著對未來的嚮往(色彩也應) can it be 唯此才能 【合唱】 purer than any white u see 創造光明 【雲柒】(吟唱) 【陳木木&泡芙芙】 We stand still 我們屹立 We still stand 我們仍在 We stand together 我們眾志成城 Together we stand 我們同舟共濟 Take a look at whats in front of you and I, We only 看著你與我眼前所發生的一切,我們只 【陳木木&泡芙芙】 get one precious chance to live 僅有一次的好好活著的機會 No more do-overs no more quitters 不再重蹈覆轍,亦不輕言放棄 pain may seem short, 痛苦雖短 scars live on 傷疤長存 seize the silver lining 莫忘此訓 【空瓶&雲柒】 try to feel 去感受 try to touch 去觸碰 try to see and 去看 try to hear it 去聽 the sun gonna soon rise 太陽仍會升起 darkness has nowhere to hide 暗夜總會褪去 we will be the ones, we can get, ready for the next sunrise 我們會是,也終將是,向陽而生的族群 【陳木木】 We hold each other 牽緊雙手 Say everything 互訴衷腸 Joy of rebirth,surrounding us 重生之悅,縈繞身旁 【泡芙芙】 We dont need a dream 再不用夢裡追逐 We made with our own hands 僅用雙手可觸 A better future 一個,更加真實的明天