- Aos147 STAB (Prod By Provoke) 歌詞
- Aos147
- Prod By Provoke
Mixed By Provoke Darkness,he face was in darkness Nobody can help you but yourself I was within and without I was within and without I was within and without Tell me how to pick it up Cause i have a broken heart I was within and without I was within and without I was i was 燈光昏暗我與現實抽離 思緒游離慾望慢慢蒐集 夢魘悄然降臨暗處偷襲 所有惡的化身開始迅速糾集 揭開不曾透漏的秘密 剖析潛藏愛恨至細膩 痛苦掙扎只是白費力氣 被它奴役拒絕接受任何異議 我看到 他們偽裝的訕笑 流於表面的炫耀 帶虛偽的面罩 背手緊握著劍鞘 不顧勸告棄善報在離經並叛道 滿嘴陳詞或濫調 卻是換湯不換藥 昧了良心辦到阻礙通通幹掉 初心換了飯票只為吃個半飽 Darkness,he face was in darkness Nobody can help you but yourself I was within and without I was within and without I was within and without Tell me how to pick it up Cause i have a broken heart I was within and without I was within and without I was i was 我既是旁觀者清亦是當局者迷 是聰明絕頂或是愚不可及 無法定位的模糊關係 難以抽離漫無邊際 夜裡獨自傾訴壓抑秘密 還能自救應該感到慶幸 不斷暗示希望下達命令 一切可無除了性命 我忘瞭如何入眠忘了夜裡怎麼困 忘了自命不凡忘了對你怎麼恨 忘了承諾別人他們都想要的 忘了很多力不能及辦不到的 即使在我腦裡一切都崩壞了 無常的反复傷痛并快樂 瘡痍填滿目臉上卻笑著 期望別耽誤忘了怎麼愛呢 Darkness,he face was in darkness Nobody can help you but yourself I was within and without I was within and without I was within and without Tell me how to pick it up Cause i have a broken heart I was within and without I was within and without I was i was End .