- Avenged Sevenfold Exist 歌詞
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Our truth is painted across the sky
我們的事實已無需多言 In our reflection, we learn to fly 跟著罪惡的倒影,我們相伴飛翔 No hand to hold us 無所指引 No one to save us from tomorrow 無人可把吾等未來拯救
就此遠行,到達無人之境 Sailing away, beyond the reach of anyone 就此遠行,到達無夢之際 Far beyond the dreams of everyone 暗無邊際 No light to follow 了無目的 A shot in the dark 有誰知曉我們的存在? Does anybody know? 就此遠行,去往無人之境 Sailing away, beyond the reach of anyone 就此遠行,去往無夢之際 Far beyond the dreams of everyone 越過天堂的穹頂 High from the heavens 痛苦亦無法感知 I cant see the pain 有誰在乎這些? Does anybody care? 可曾想過時間萬物
紛紛被時間奪走了本來面目 Think for a moment of all the lives 皆被我們肆意征服 Stripped of their essence before their time 那未來是否已一無所有? We stand to conquer 就讓我遠行,去往無人之境 But is there nothing left tomorrow? 就讓我遠行,去往無夢之際 黑暗籠罩 Im sailing away, beyond the reach of anyone 隨心而行 Far beyond the dreams of everyone 誰會將我知曉? Theres no light to follow 就讓我遠行,到達無人之境 A shot in the dark 就讓我遠行,到達無夢之際 Does anybody know ? 穿越天堂的穹頂 Sailing away, beyond the reach of anyone 痛苦也將我拋棄 Far beyond the dreams of everyone 誰會將我在意? High from the heavens 我們只有一個共同的希望:地球 I cant see the pain 但彼時在其上仍然很多人四處流落 Does anybody care? 災難,飢荒,充斥世間
苦難者統統淪為了戰爭中的砲灰 [Neil Degrasse Tyson:] 人們會為了自己的信仰而互相殘殺 We have one collective hope : The Earth. 我們真就這麼甘願相信自己現在的所思所想統統發自真心? And yet uncounted people remain homeless. 那些衝突、自殺襲擊、杳無音訊的飛機 Famine and calamity abound. 那些狗血的獨裁者們、無聊的黨派爭鬥和肆意妄為的人類後代 Sufferers hurl themselves into the arms of war. 都僅僅源於一幕幕種族間、宗教間、民族間和文化間的衝突? People kill and get killed in the name of someone elses concept of God. 其實你會發現人類的歷史進程無非是因為自我的自私自利而滾滾向前 Dare we admit that our thoughts and behaviors spring from a belief that the world revolves around us? 當我翱翔於那些行星、星球的軌道之上 Each fabricated conflict, self murdering bomb, vanished airplane, 看著它們如芭蕾舞者般踩著舞步,迴轉於重力給它們製造的固定圓圈之時 Every fictionalized dictator, biased partisan and wayward son 我的思想則越過了陳規的禁錮,我見識了宇宙的廣闊無垠 Are part of the curtains of societys racial, ethnic, religious, national and cultural conflicts? 見識了一個個星系嵌入由時間與空間編織的四維空間 And you find the human ego turning the knobs and pulling the levers. 即便這個世界在我們心中、想像中、或者特大號的地圖上展示的多麼廣闊 When I track the orbits of asteroids, comets, and planets, 宇宙都大的超過想像 Each one a pirouetting dancer in a cosmic ballet, choreographed by the forces of gravity, 行星的數量遠遠比我們海灘的沙石要多 I see beyond the plight of humans. I see a universe ever expanding 在地球形成之前,已經有比宇宙歷史中分分秒秒還多的星系永遠消逝 With its galaxies embedded within the ever-stretching, four-dimensional fabric of space and time . 已經有無數比我們人類所發出的言語總數一般多的行星上曾經存在生命 However big our world is — in our hearts, our minds, in our out-sized atlases? 到了我們無法在宇宙探索之時,就到了我們種族就此滅亡之刻 The universe is even bigger. 但生活在那個荒涼的世間,武器失去價值、資源變得短缺世道下一個個人類、民族 There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on the worlds beaches. 將會收斂那些彼此的偏見 More stars in the universe than seconds of time that have passed since Earth formed. 然後伴隨著現實給予人類最後的啟迪 More stars than words and sounds ever uttered by all humans who have ever lived. 新的、能夠心懷宇宙萬物的文明將會崛起 The day we cease exploration of the cosmos is the day we threaten the continuance of our species . 在那世界觀下觀點裡我們將一心同體,沒有上下分明,而會從心統一 In that bleak world, arms-bearing, resource-hungry people and nations Would be prone to act on their low contracted prejudices, And would have seen the last gasp of human enlightenment — Until the rise of a visionary new culture once again embraces the cosmic perspective; A perspective in which we are one, fitting neither above, nor below, but within.