- Megan Nicole Titanium 歌詞
- Megan Nicole
- You shout it out,
你已歇斯底里 But I cant hear a word you say 但我彷若迷失聽不清你一言一語 Im talking loud not saying much 我大聲吼著卻啞然失語 Im criticized but all your bullets ricochet 你對我惡語相加但終究傷人傷己 You shoot me down, but I get up 你曾讓我黯然神傷但我已經幡然醒悟 Im bulletproof, nothing to lose 我已築起銅牆鐵壁再無所畏懼 Fire away, fire away 開火吧開火吧 Ricochet, you take your aim 火星四濺你仍然瞄準著我 Fire away, fire away 開火吧開火吧 You shoot me down but I wont fall 你曾讓我跌落谷底但我不會重蹈覆轍 I am titanium 我已堅不可摧 You shoot me down but I wont fall 你曾讓我心碎不已但我已然完全癒合 I am titanium 我已鋼筋鐵骨 Cut me down 你把我棄之不顧 But its you wholl have further to fall 但你會為此付出更大的代價 Ghost town and haunted love 身陷囹圄為情所困 Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones 提高你的嗓門木棍和石塊或許能讓我傷筋痛骨 Im talking loud not saying much 我大聲吼著卻啞然失語 Im bulletproof, nothing to lose 我已築起銅牆鐵壁再無所畏懼 Fire away, fire away 開火吧開火吧 Ricochet, you take your aim 火星飛散你仍然瞄準著我 Fire away, fire away 開火吧開火吧 You shoot me down but I wont fall 你曾把我擊倒在地但我終將絕地反擊 I am titanium 我已心堅如鈦 You shoot me down but I wont fall 你曾把我置之死地但我終將死而後生 I am titanium 我已堅不可摧 I am titanium 我已鋼筋鐵骨 I am titanium 我已心堅如鈦 Stone-hard , machine gun 磐石以防機槍掃射 Firing at the ones who run 奔命之人必被集火而攻 Stone-hard as bulletproof glass 磐石加身無所顧及 You shoot me down but I wont fall 你曾讓我黯然神傷但我已經幡然醒悟 I am titanium 我已堅不可摧 You shoot me down but I wont fall 你曾讓我跌落谷底但我不會重蹈覆轍 I am titanium 我已鋼筋鐵骨 You shoot me down but I wont fall 你曾讓我心碎不已但我已然完全癒合 I am titanium 我已心堅如鈦 You shoot me down but I wont fall 你曾把我置之死地但我終將死而後生 I am titanium 我已堅不可摧 I am titanium 我已無堅不摧