- 邵豪 Gentle Vibration 歌詞
- 邵豪
- 編曲:邵豪/ Nay Catherine
你點了一杯馬提尼 You're ordering your martini 氣氛漸漸活躍了起來 The atmosphere is livening 我想到了一些問題要問你以此來表明我有認真在聽你講話 I'm thinking of some questions to show you I was listening 你母親最近過得怎麼樣 How is your mother 我這麼努力地想要接近你為何你視我為空氣 I'm trying hard so you don't see me 你說我眼神躲閃 Oh my shifty eyes 但那是因為我想要逃避真相逃避我的真實情感 Is my way of avoiding the truth oh how I feel 揭開夜的序幕讓我們找尋內心的光亮 Open up the night and let us see the light inside 我可以感覺到 So I can feel it 脫掉你的一切偽裝看看生活最真實的模樣 Take off your skin and let us see the life within 我需要真相 Cause I need it 我極力控制著恐懼 So I'm taking control of the fear 多虧這夜黑得算徹底 Thanks to the darkness 我們消失在彼此的視線中 So we can disappear 肢體和心沒有聯繫我們不協調地表達著自己 In our gestures we begin to prove 面對真相這愛的決堤 The gentle vibration of truth 馬提尼聽起來還不錯 A martini sounds good 我想我也要點一杯嚐嚐 I think I may have one too 我想要好好恭維你一番 I want to pay you a compliment 找到個方式來告訴你 To find a way of telling you 你看起來美極了 You look amazing 你的美貌令我心煩意亂 I find your beauty distracting 你有著美麗動人的眼眸 You've got lovely eyes 視線交匯需要時機 We're taking our time 我們不久就會響應愛到來的默契 But soon we synchronise 揭開夜的序幕讓我們找尋內心的光亮 Open up the night and let us see the light inside 我可以感覺到 So I can feel it 我可以感覺到 I can feel it 脫掉你的一切偽裝看看生活最真實的模樣 Take off your skin and let us see the life within 我需要真相 Cause I need it 我需要真相 Oh I need it 我極力控制著恐懼 So I'm taking control of the fear 多虧這夜黑得算徹底 Thanks to the darkness 我們消失在彼此的視線中 So we can disappear 肢體和心沒有聯繫我們不協調地表達著自己 In our gestures we begin to prove 面對真相這愛的決堤 The gentle vibration of truth 揭開夜的序幕讓我們找尋內心的光亮 Open up the night and let us see the light inside 我可以感覺到 So I can feel it 我可以感覺到 I can feel it 脫掉你的一切偽裝看看生活最真實的模樣 Take off your skin and let us see the life within 我需要真相 Cause I need it 我需要真相 Oh I need it 我極力控制著恐懼 So I'm taking control of the fear 多虧這夜黑得算徹底 Thanks to the darkness 我們消失在彼此的視線中 So we can disappear 肢體和心沒有聯繫我們不協調地表達著自己 In our gestures we begin to prove 面對真相這愛的決堤 The gentle vibration 我極力控制著恐懼 So I'm taking control of the fear 多虧這夜黑得算徹底 Thanks to the darkness 我們消失在彼此的視線中 So we can disappear 肢體和心沒有聯繫我們不協調地表達著自己 In our gestures we begin to prove 面對真相這愛的決堤 The gentle vibration of truth 面對真相這愛的決堤 The gentle vibration of truth 餘波在繼續推著我不斷流向你 I feel the gentle vibration of you