- 萬萬萬一 不 要 再 聽 假 蒸 汽 波 歌詞
- 萬萬萬一
- People, can you hear me?
人們聽得到我嗎 Heres the message that Im sending now 我正在向你們傳達訊息 Ive got the answer to all your problems 我已經知曉了你們所有問題的答案 And tonight Ill be singing it loud 今晚我將高聲傳唱 P~P~P~P~People, can you hear me? 人們啊聽得到我嗎 Heres the message that Im sending now 我正在向你們傳達信息 Ive got the answer to all your problems 一切問題都盡在我掌控之中 And tonight Ill be singing it loud 今夜我將其高聲吟唱 Just surrender yourself to the rhythm 聽從內心的律動 With your hands up in the sky 舉起雙手觸摸天空 Feel the energy deep inside your system 感受蘊藏在你體內的能量 And leave this world behind 將世界拋之腦後 People, can you hear me? 人們可以聽到我嗎 Heres the message that Im sending now 我正在同你們傳遞信息 Ive got the answer to all your problems 萬物皆諸於我掌心 And tonight Ill be singing it loud 今夜我將其高歌 Just surrender yourself to the rhythm 屈服於你心中的律動吧 With your hands up in the sky 舉起雙手盡情擺動 Feel the energy deep inside your system 感受你體內蘊藏的能量 And leave this world behind 將世界付諸腦後 Leave the world ~ 離開這世界~ Leave the world behind ~ 盡情釋放自己 Leave the world behind ~6(behind) 只管沉浸在樂聲中 Leave the world behind ~6(behind) 忘卻諸多煩惱 Leave the world ~ 只在今夜~ People, can you hear me? 人們啊可能聽到我? Heres the message that Im sending now 這是我正在同你們傳遞的信息 Ive got the answer to all your problems 我可以解決你們煩惱的一切 And tonight Ill be singing it loud 今晚我將盡情高歌 Just surrender yourself to the rhythm 屈服於你內心的韻律吧 With your hands up in the sky 在空中揮舞雙手 Feel the energy deep inside your system 感受體內蘊藏的能量 And leave this world behind 將世界諸之腦後 leave this world ~ 拋棄這世界~ People, can you hear me? 人們啊聆聽我吧 Heres the message that Im sending now 這是我即將遞達給你們的信息 Ive got the answer to all your problems 我知道你們所有問題的答案 And tonight Ill be singing it loud~ 今夜我將傳唱給你們~