- Trippy Flame Bad Way 歌詞
- Trippy Flame
- Producer: Beck
我在這條崎嶇的道路上 I'm on a bad way 依然不停前行 I cannot stay 即使生活很糟糕 Living wrong and she said 但她對我說“別擔心,寶貝” 'Don't worry, babe' 在這條崎嶇的道路上 I'm on a bad way 我快要發瘋,這就是我的日常 I'm goin' crazy, is how I live 我管不了那麼多,我沒有時間 I can't say, I can't wait 即使路很爛,我照樣很嗨 I've been popin in this bad way 一直不停 I cannot stay 對沒錯,你的東西蠻吊,但都是假的 Your s- fire but it's all fake 我嘗試醒過來 I'm tryin' to wake 在這條崎嶇的路上一直搞震震 I' ve been f-in' in this bad way 我瘋了,但這就是我的日常 I'm goin' crazy, is how I live 什麼都不想管,我沒有時間 I can't say, I can't wait 他們是時候去撈一波了,但我只想教他們什麼才是真東西 They say it's time to rush, I just show 'em how to get in bad way 跟你們都不在一條道上 I can't f- with y'all 你說什麼做什麼都與我無關,我只想賺我自己的錢 Talk or walk, I'm eatin' catfish 把這裡搞得一團糟,只為了找到那個最好的 Shootin' in the bar I just tryna find my bad b- 我也根本不需要朋友,因為他們跟我不在一條道上 I don't need no friends, 'cause I'm always on the bad way 我一直就是這樣 I'm always on the bad way , I'm always on the bad way 我說“我們現在是朋友啦”,她說“並不是” Yeah, we're friends now, she say 'not yet' 我一直就是這樣 I'm always on the bad way, I'm always on the bad way 她真的想把我整瘋 She 'bout to burn my house down till I'm gone, yeah “我不認識像你這樣的人,基佬“ 'I don't know no one like you, you F-ing faggy' 我在這條崎嶇的道路上 I'm on a bad way 依然不停前行 I cannot stay 即使生活很糟糕 Living wrong and she said 但她對我說“別擔心,寶貝” 'Don't worry, babe' 在這條崎嶇的道路上 I'm on a bad way 我快要發瘋,這就是我的日常 I'm goin' crazy, is how I live 我管不了那麼多,我沒有時間 I can't say, I can't wait 即使路很爛,我照樣很嗨 I 've been popinin this bad way 一直不停 I cannot stay 對沒錯,你的東西蠻吊,但都是假的 Your s- fire but it's all fake 我嘗試醒過來 I'm tryin' to wake 在這條崎嶇的路上一直搞震震 I've been f-in' in this bad way 我瘋了,但這就是我的日常 I'm goin' crazy, is how I live 什麼都不想管,我沒有時間 I can't say, I can't wait