- Vylet Pony
- “I don't love you anymore, goodbye.”
我不再愛你了再見 I've been dreaming of you in a nonexistent meet-cute 總是子虛烏有地夢到彼此美好邂逅 But I've been carrying your shit since the start 但自打我們結識以來我便一直背負你的垃圾 And I'm not in love with you anymore, yeah we both **** ed up 我已不再愛你就此分道揚鑣吧 You're a diamond in the rough but I was digging so long, gave my soul up 你是一顆華而不實的粗鑽本不值我拼命發掘 I know we kissed in a nonexistent meet-cute 我們相吻於那空幻的美好邂逅 Whatever, I don't give a **** 但這已無所謂你與我再無干戈 About your shitty music or your dresses anymore 你的所聽所穿劣質至極同樣如此 I was head over heels for you once upon a time 我曾願為你付出一切 You were a rarity 你卻是那麼高攀不起 Reduced to a nursery rhyme 且令我長話短說 (sing a song about life) 歌唱生活 I don't really care who you're ****ing anymore 鬼知道你在和誰大快朵頤 I know you dream of walking out thе ****ing door 你不過是想走出這扇該死的門 All you do is talk, talk, talk, talk 你所做的不過是講個沒完沒了 Those pretty eyеs had sunk into a petty whore 原來那雙動人的眼眸淪為一個小婊子的附屬物了嗎 You've been sending letters, texts, and all these pretty flowers 寄信發短信送這些美麗的鮮花 Why don't you suck it up and just go ****ing tell her? 為什麼不嚥下這口氣把你想說的都TM告訴她 You've been lying to yourself , getting all dolled up 欺騙自己把自己打扮得跟變了個馬一樣 For the makeup to run down your ****ing face 就讓化妝品腐蝕掉你該死的臉吧 I don't love you anymore, and it's probably for the best 我不再愛你這也許是我最正確的選擇 It would've never ****ing worked, you know the rest 我們永遠都不會在一起你清楚原因 You've got your family and your friends, you unequivocally depend on 你有可以明確依賴的家人與朋友 You play dress- up to impress 你能通過濃妝淡抹去改善氣質 I should've read the signs, I could see it in your eyes 我早該從你的眼中讀出你的意圖 You were always trying to tell me to **** off 讀出你無時無刻想告訴我趕緊滾蛋 I've been dreaming of you in a nonexistent meet-cute 而我僅僅只能子虛烏有地夢到彼此美好邂逅 I've been chasing visions of a home I never had 只能試圖去追求我從未有過的家的願景 I didn't mean what I said, I guess 也許我說得過火了 Things have been so god damn hard 事到如今實在是太難了 I've been bottling an envy for every little thing I see 我一直嫉妒發生在你們身上的種種確幸 I'm not baby dragon anymore 我已不再是那個逆來順受的龍寶寶了 I can breathe fire, but what for? 我可以噴火但這又有什麼用呢 Why does it piss me off 為什麼我會這么生氣 When I get left out, left out, left out 當你們將我排除在外排除在外排除在外 I don't want to admit that I've been homesick 其實我並不想承認我有些想家 Is nostalgia my inherent weakness? 念舊算是我與生俱來的缺點嗎 I've been trying my hardest 一直去努力改變 But I've still been getting jealous 但我仍無比羨慕 When somepony else is feeling good 當其他小馬感覺良好 But I swear we kissed, we kissed, we kissed, in a 我還是會想起我們相吻於那 Nonexistent Meet-cute 空幻的美好邂逅 Nonexistant Nonexistant Nonexistent Meet-cute 空幻的美好邂逅 Meet-cute Oh Nonexistent Meet-cute 空幻的美好邂逅 Nonexistant Nonexistant Nonexistent Meet-cute 空幻的美好邂逅 Nonexistent Meet-cute 空幻的美好邂逅 “Have a good time, man. 玩得開心些伙計 Have some fun. 尋些樂子 Having fun is OK, um- 尋些樂子確實很不錯呃 Get some love in your life. 在生活中找到你所喜歡的那個人 Whether that be another person or just loving yourself man. 不論那個人是別人還是自己 Love is good.” 愛很棒啊