- Tyrone Wells Dream Like New York 歌詞
- Tyrone Wells
- by yelling xu
So many dreams come and go 有些夢來了又去 Time flies by we don?t know 時間悄然流過 What ever happened to those childhood years? 到底是什麼改變了我們 When we thought we could fly 我們曾經懷著遠大的夢想 We got to keep those dreams alive 如今我們要讓這些夢想復燃
這些夢想就像紐約城 And dream like New York 與天空齊高 As high as the skyline 在城市燈火的上方朝星星飛去 Aim for the stars above those city lights 我希望我的夢如同紐約城 I want to dream like New York 跑過百老彙的大街 I?m running down Broadway 趕上下一輛火車 I got to catch the next train 走上自己的路 I?m making my way 今天又開始努力地工作
又開始朝九晚五的生活 Race to work again today 用虛假的努力來催眠自己以求保持清醒 From nine to five 心中的童心 I only strive to stay awake 問我有沒有膽量放飛夢想 But the child inside me 我猶猶豫豫是否就讓夢想就此死去 Dares to believe I still can fly 我希望我的夢如同紐約城 Can?t let those dreams just die 與天空齊高
在城市燈火的上方朝星星飛去 I got to dream like New York 我希望我的夢如同紐約城 As high as the skyline 跑過百老彙的大街 Aim for the stars above those city lights 趕上下一輛火車 I want to dream like New York 走上自己的路 I?m running down Broadway 到底有過多少次我努力嘗試卻一敗塗地 I got to catch the next train 你是否也和我一樣眼睜睜地看著夢想遠去 I?m making my way 如同千軍萬馬瞬間覆沒在眼前
但所有夢想家們會再次起航的 How many times have u tried and failed? 夢想依舊會再次升起 Have you watched your dreams slip away? 一切將繼續,就如同紐約城一般 Well every hero falls and every soldier crawls. 與天空齊高 And every dreamer dreams again 在城市燈火的上方朝星星飛去 Got to dream again 一切將繼續,就如同紐約城一般
跑過百老彙的大街 Go on and dream like New York 趕上下一輛火車 As high as the skylines 走上自己的路 Aim for the stars above those city lights 讓夢如紐約城一樣 Go on and dream like New York 與天空齊高 Run on down Broadway 在城市燈火的上方朝星星飛去 Catch the next train 讓夢如紐約城一樣 Go make your way 跑過百老彙的大街
趕上下一輛火車 Go on and dream like NY 踏上自己的征程 As high as the skylines 走上自己的路 Aim for the stars above those city lights 一往無前直到夢的終點 You got to dream like NY Run on down Broadway Catch the next train Go make your way Go make your way Go make your way