- Liam Gallagher Halo 歌词
- Liam Gallagher
人们总是一直问我 People ask me, "What you mean, boy?" 小子,你在说些什么 All the time (Yeah) 没人能听懂我的意思 Nobody can follow me but 但我并不在意 I don't mind 我和我的爱人相处得很好 I'm good with my baby 她总让我渴望 She turns me on 她就如同太阳周围那圈光晕 使我的天空敞亮 She's fillin' up my sky like a halo 'round the sun 人们从我身上夺取很多 People grabbin' things off me but 但这没有什么 It's alright 我不清楚他们想要成为谁 Don't know who they want to be but 但我已无所谓 It's alright 我和我的爱人相处得很好 I'm good with my baby 她是我一切的渴望 She's all that I want 她就如同太阳周围那圈光晕 使我的天空敞亮 She's fillin' up my sky like a halo 'round the sun 冰天雪地里 她是我的大衣我的手套 When it's freezing, she's my mittens and my coat 炎热难耐时 她是我的啤酒冰凉而舒爽 When I get too hot, she's my lager nice and cold 想要关起她来陪我变老 Wanna lock her up and keep her till I'm old 我会有一点点变好 I can get a little better 逐字逐句跟随她的指导 Follow her lead to the letter 我们的鼓点可以永远敲响 We can bang a gong forever 我知道总是她轻叩我的房门 And I know it's her who's knocking at my door 她教会我二加二等于四的疑问 Yeah, she's teaching me that two plus two is four 当我的井水干涸 她总是给我更多 When the well goes dry, she always gives me more 我会有一点点变好 I can get a little better 逐字逐句跟随她的指导 Follow her lead to the letter 我们的鼓点可以永远敲响 We can bang a gong forever 人们总是一直问我 People ask me what you mean, boy 小子,你在说些什么 All the time (Yeah) 没人能听懂我的意思 Nobody can follow me but 但我并不在意 I don't mind 我和我的爱人相处得很好 I'm good with my baby 她总让我渴望 She turns me on 始终跟随着我 就如同光晕环绕着太阳 Follows me 'round all day like a halo 'round the sun 她就如同太阳周围那圈光晕 使我的天空敞亮 She's fillin' up my sky like a halo 'round the sun 始终跟随着我 就如同光晕环绕着太阳 Follows me 'round all day like a halo 'round the sun 环绕着太阳 'Round the sun 环绕着太阳 'Round the sun 环绕着太阳 'Round the sun 环绕着太阳 'Round the sun 环绕着太阳 'Round the sun 环绕着太阳 'Round the sun 环绕着太阳 'Round the sun 环绕着太阳 'Round the sun 环绕着太阳 'Round the sun