- Belle & Sebastian Chickfactor 歌词
- Belle & Sebastian
- What was it I saw in New York?
我在纽约见到了什么? I'm not the same anymore 我已经不再是曾经的我了 How will I hide these feelings inside 我将如何隐藏这些感觉 Call my girl ont he phone 给我亲爱的姑娘打电话 Neon lights shine brgith 霓虹灯闪烁 Taxi cabs glide by 车水马龙 Aeroplanes they fly high up in the sky 飞机在高空翱翔 Pretty girl says Hi.. 漂亮的女孩向我打招呼 What's the worst job you've had? 你做过最差劲的工作是什么? What do you read? 你都阅读了哪些书? What's driving you mad? 什么事情会将你逼至疯狂? Met the cigarette girl - took a note of her charmd 曾遇到一个吸烟的女孩 — 她的惊人魅力让人印象深刻 But no cigar 但那时我没有雪茄 Met the Indie-Cool Queen 曾遇到一个印度酷女孩 Took me out to the bar 带我去酒吧 And showed me the scene 让我见识到了另一番景象 My little girl I can't find 我找不到我的小姑娘了 She's five hours behind 她迟了五个小时 It's the singer not the song 对的歌手错的歌曲 something's gone wrong 某些方面出了差错 Said the spider to the fly 蜘蛛对苍蝇说话 Do I like this girl? 我喜欢这个女孩吗 It's such a big world 这世界如此之大 I like the tone of her voice 我独爱她说话的口吻 I loved the sound of her voice 我爱极了她的声音 When I get back to London from outer space 当我从外太空回到伦敦 Will it fall into place? 这一切会顺理成章吗 I'll hold onto my smile 我会保持微笑 Find my girl in a while 尽快找到我的姑娘 Look myself in the face 看着自己的脸 Don't know what you see 不知你看到的会是什么 Am I playing in your movie? 我能否在你的电影中占有一席之地? You're in my magazine 你是我杂志的主角 Are you talking to me? 你是在和我说话吗? CHICKFACTOR