- Billie Marten Heavy Weather 歌词
- Billie Marten
- When the sun rises today
若今日朝阳欲将东升 If it rises at all 那么当它徐徐升起时 It be there across the water 阳光将穿透清澈水面 And they'll start an endless storm 搅起一场不息的风暴 Rain falls in love 雨滴扑簌着落入爱中 We fall in love 我们沦陷于浓烈的深情 Together we walk the English winter 我们携手穿梭在英格兰的冰天雪地之中 So caught up in one another 与对方相爱到难以自拔 We're crazy for under thunders over us 我们着迷于轰鸣的雷声 The rain us ours and we are lovers of 我们与倾盆大雨长相伴 Heavy weather 我们钟情于恶劣的天气 Come out lightning tries to strike us 闪电肆意霹雳 意欲击伤我们 We might be frightened but we won't run 我们或将恐慌 但绝不会逃窜 We be so happy if we have feelings 若我们有感情 定将狂喜难抑 And in the darkness we will be gone 当黑暗来袭 我们将扬长而去 Rain falls in love 雨滴扑簌着落入爱中 We fall in love 我们沦陷于浓烈的深情 Together we walk the English winter 我们携手穿梭在英格兰的冰天雪地之中 So caught up in one another 与对方相爱到难以自拔 We're crazy for under thunders over us 我们着迷于轰鸣的雷声 The rain us ours and we are lovers of 我们与倾盆大雨长相伴 Heavy weather 我们钟情于恶劣的天气 Heavy weather 真爱如斯 Heavy weather 狂放不羁 Heavy weather 真爱如许 Heavy weather 动人心魄 Heavy weather 真爱如彼 Heavy weather 深入骨髓 Heavy weather 真爱如此 Heavy weather 永生难忘 Together we walk the English winter 我们携手穿梭在英格兰的冰天雪地之中 So caught up in one another 与对方相爱到难以自拔 We're crazy for under thunders over us 我们着迷于轰鸣的雷声 The rain us ours and we are lovers of 我们与倾盆大雨长相伴 Together we walk the English winter 我们携手穿梭在英格兰的冰天雪地之中 So caught up in one another 与对方相爱到难以自拔 We're crazy for under thunders over us 我们着迷于轰鸣的雷声 The rain us ours and we are lovers of 我们与倾盆大雨长相伴 Heavy weather heavy weather 我们钟情于恶劣的天气 一如我们这般疯狂地相爱