- 忐忑集 1995 歌词
- 周穆 忐忑集
- 作词:周如穆、 茅睿
静静地等候 时间夷平一同去过的 说穿只是在等待 你的到来 同时也在等待 你不久的离开 在被赋予真正的悲伤以前 已尝尽了悲伤的滋味 春宵尚未凋零之际 已经率先老去 Awaiting soundlessly for time to extinguish where we have been Honestly just waiting for your arrival Simultaneously waiting for your departure short after Before the real sadness I have already savored the taste of heartbreak Before the spring wanes It has already aged
如果在世上孑然一身 我该成为谁的形状 谁又知道我的肯定来自固执 勇气来自鲁莽 热切而任性 如果践踏围墙之时了解责任 如果揽起你手的我已知永恒 告诉我 我是来得晚了 还是走得快了 If I had not experienced much Whose shape should I take Who knows my assertiveness comes from stubbornness My courage comes from bluntness My passion from will If I had understood the responsibility when I trampled the wall If by holding your hand I had already known eternity Tell me am I late or leaving too early
如果在相拥时我不困惑了 是否你也能目睹来时的路 如果我年少时便已懂晓坚定不移 是否就能捧好最珍贵的你 If in an embrace I am no longer confused Could you have seen the way I came If I had understood resolution in my youth Could I have held the most extraordinary you
继续舞吧 不要迷失 不停爱吧 更之后的事才刚刚开始 当被人包容著 说过去受怕担心都不再时 你的出生仿佛只是 刚刚发生的事 Dance dance otherwise we are lost Love What comes after has just started When accepted by someone When someone says the things you are afraid of or worried about no longer exist Your birth would feel like just moments ago
水里游 cant believe the way we flow 1995 没理由睡觉 这条随你走的隧道没尽头 Karaoke里陪你做戏 唱的却没几首 只有天花乱坠的fairy tale Tell的very well Floating in the water Cant believe the way we flow 1995 no reason for slumber The tunnel you lead is endless Fooling around with you in the karaoke barely sang anything Only fancy fairy tales told very well
而余悸犹存的一直留存储在我心深处 你只有身处在挣扎的偷生的深谷 才能继续偷说声 不 可优生的仍增加著分家 我忧郁求生 正因求真的 正蒸发或被分发 从还有你我到只剩 他 Lingering staying deep in my heart You would only whisper NO while in a struggling surviving hollow But the eugenics are still multiplying I am bleakly barely getting by because the search of truth is being evaporated or divided From you and me to now only him
你是否还记得 如何从失望中重拾信任 停止妄自菲薄 全都是子虚乌有 你是如何接受过去 视我为崭新的人 爱中伴侣啊 再也不完满 是人被分了个半 Do you remember how to find trust within disappointment Stop belittling yourself Those are all fictional How have you accepted the past and treat me as if I am brand new Partners in love no longer perfect being taken a part
沦落时忆起交错你所染上的颜色 留恋你眼底倒映出我身影 在你容许之下再不勉强的模样 你骨子里的那份纯真 愿用等同自己的爱对待另一个人好 那温热的手 指向远方最后一丝夕云 连我离去后的静默都一并欣赏了 On a slippery slope I thought of the color that stained into mine when I passed you by Reminiscing my reflection in your eyes The way I did not need to force myself with your permission The pureness of your essence To love someone in the way you love yourself You warm hand pointing to the last strand of dusk clouds Admiring along with the silence after I left
茅山道士与murky ghost 1 2 不许你说三到四 Mountain Taoist and Murky Ghost 1 2 No room for your comments
推到底时 见到命运 不可言喻 不可逆 借来都不还 千金不换 我为你保管 Ultimately Destiny is met Indescribable Irreversible I will never return it no matter the ransom I will take care of it in your stead
为我保管但不要锁 为我保暖但不要酒 为我逃窜但不要躲 水手靠岸 给我靠山 随我追求过程 结果没有落单 让我从既得利益变的记得意义 忐忑集如律令 要你周严肃穆 减去距离与虚拟面具 谦虚并且 严以律你言语 Take care of it for me but do not lock it Keep it warm for me without booze Scramble for me but do not hide Sailors dock Give me a back up Let me chase the process without ending up solo Let me go from vested interest to interested in memory Panic like it is an express order get mucho serious Minus the distance and virtual mask Stay humble and keep your language strictly managed
严以律你言语 Stay humble and keep your language strictly managed