- Palisades Through Hell 歌词
- Palisades
- I feel like lately I've been locked in a cell
我直到现在才明白自己身陷囹吾 I find the pretty things and put 'em through hell 我曾寻得传世珍宝却当做地狱的燃料 I might be crazy but I can't really tell 我或将疯癫,但我有口难言 I find the pretty things and then I put 'em through hell 那些稀世珍品早已被我丢入地狱中焚烧! Don't know just what we'll find 前路漫漫,不知将会怎样艰险 So hold me down and look inside 将我这具木偶提起,窥视我心吧 Today we're out of time 今日我们将挣脱时光枷锁 So brace yourself; I'll cross the line 为自己鼓劲吧:我将越过这道关隘 So go 那么,前进吧! I keep pretending I have control 我将装作把控全局的样子 I wear a mask so you'll never know 你看不见我脸上的表情 I'm bottled up ready to explode 我已做好准备,厚积薄发 So go 大胆前进吧! ****** up but it's what I need 世界一片混乱,正如我所期盼 Finding serenity with the rage inside of me 在迸裂的愤怒中寻得一席安宁之境 Shot out, God, I pray for peace 闭嘴!真主啊,请赐我一片和平 But the serenity comes with rage, it sets me free 但那宁静之中的熊熊烈焰焚断了我的束缚 I might be crazy but I can't really tell 我无法开口,我的理智正被侵蚀 I find the pretty things and then I put 'em through hell 旷世奇珍却终被化作飞灰 It's gotta suck, I put 'em through hell 它将把一切吸食殆尽 Can't stop, I've burnt the brakes 我无法停下脚步,我早已没有退路 The price I'll pay if death awaits 当死神呼唤吾名,这便是我付出的代价 Shut off, the lights resign 斩断所有希冀,心中光芒如流水般倾泻,无法挽回 The silence now, too hard to find 那片世外桃源,所距如此遥远 So go 那么,上吧! I keep pretending I have control 我伪装成一副全知者的模样 I wear a mask so you'll never know 我面无表情,汝将不能猜透我心 I'm bottled up ready to explode 我早就准备好同归于尽 So go 继续你的征程吧 ****** up but it's what I need 我渴望的就是世界永不安宁 Finding serenity with the rage inside of me 这便是我内心怒火隔绝出来的一片净土 Shot out, God, I pray for peace 让他们乖乖闭嘴,勿扰此地宁静 But the serenity comes with rage, it sets me free 但宁静之中掺杂的愤怒将我逼出此地 Broken much like the lock on my cage 断垣残壁正如囚禁住的空虚 I keep a vault in my head, it's where I keep my insanity 我不会将其遗忘,它滋养了我的疯狂 Broken, I know I did this myself 我深知一切都是因我而起 'Cause I find the prettiest things and then I put 'em through hell 因为我早已燃起焚尽全世珍宝的火焰! ****** up but it's what I need 我品尝着混乱给我的快感 Oh God, will I find my peace? 我还会在这里找到安身之境吗? I need serenity, is this my serenity? 我恳求一片静谧,这真的是我所追求的安宁吗? ****** up but it's what I need 我将一切燥乱生吞活剥 Oh God, will I find my peace? 吾欲求之宁境又在何方? I need serenity, is this my serenity? 我渴求安宁,这是我要寻得的宁境吗? ****** up but it's what I need 崩天坼地之时我观赏这里永无宁日 Oh God, will I find my peace? 难道这就是我要找的那片无人涉足之地? I need serenity, is this my serenity? 我需要它,让我目不复明,耳不复聪 ****** up but it's what I need 在天崩地裂之中连渣都不剩吧! Oh God, will I find my peace? 与我追求的世外桃源一起轰然粉碎吧! I need serenity, is this my serenity? 我为此目标百受阻挠 ****** up but it's what I need 将这一切都重新开始吧 Oh God, will I find my peace 我还能再寻回那一席净土吗? I need serenity, is this my serenity? 这是我苦苦寻求的那片无声之地啊 ****** up but it's what I need 将这个世界重新谱写吧 Oh God, will I find my peace 只是为了内心的那份静谧 I need serenity, is this my serenity? 我还能再寻得它吗?