- Palisades Through Hell 歌詞
- Palisades
- I feel like lately Ive been locked in a cell
我直到現在才明白自己身陷囹吾 I find the pretty things and put em through hell 我曾尋得傳世珍寶卻當做地獄的燃料 I might be crazy but I cant really tell 我或將瘋癲,但我有口難言 I find the pretty things and then I put em through hell 那些稀世珍品早已被我丟入地獄中焚燒! Dont know just what well find 前路漫漫,不知將會怎樣艱險 So hold me down and look inside 將我這具木偶提起,窺視我心吧 Today were out of time 今日我們將掙脫時光枷鎖 So brace yourself; Ill cross the line 為自己鼓勁吧:我將越過這道關隘 So go 那麼,前進吧! I keep pretending I have control 我將裝作把控全局的樣子 I wear a mask so youll never know 你看不見我臉上的表情 Im bottled up ready to explode 我已做好準備,厚積薄發 So go 大膽前進吧! ****** up but its what I need 世界一片混亂,正如我所期盼 Finding serenity with the rage inside of me 在迸裂的憤怒中尋得一席安寧之境 Shot out, God, I pray for peace 閉嘴!真主啊,請賜我一片和平 But the serenity comes with rage, it sets me free 但那寧靜之中的熊熊烈焰焚斷了我的束縛 I might be crazy but I cant really tell 我無法開口,我的理智正被侵蝕 I find the pretty things and then I put em through hell 曠世奇珍卻終被化作飛灰 Its gotta suck, I put em through hell 它將把一切吸食殆盡 Cant stop, Ive burnt the brakes 我無法停下腳步,我早已沒有退路 The price Ill pay if death awaits 當死神呼喚吾名,這便是我付出的代價 Shut off, the lights resign 斬斷所有希冀,心中光芒如流水般傾瀉,無法挽回 The silence now, too hard to find 那片世外桃源,所距如此遙遠 So go 那麼,上吧! I keep pretending I have control 我偽裝成一副全知者的模樣 I wear a mask so youll never know 我面無表情,汝將不能猜透我心 Im bottled up ready to explode 我早就準備好同歸於盡 So go 繼續你的征程吧 ****** up but its what I need 我渴望的就是世界永不安寧 Finding serenity with the rage inside of me 這便是我內心怒火隔絕出來的一片淨土 Shot out, God, I pray for peace 讓他們乖乖閉嘴,勿擾此地寧靜 But the serenity comes with rage, it sets me free 但寧靜之中摻雜的憤怒將我逼出此地 Broken much like the lock on my cage 斷垣殘壁正如囚禁住的空虛 I keep a vault in my head, its where I keep my insanity 我不會將其遺忘,它滋養了我的瘋狂 Broken, I know I did this myself 我深知一切都是因我而起 Cause I find the prettiest things and then I put em through hell 因為我早已燃起焚盡全世珍寶的火焰! ****** up but its what I need 我品嚐著混亂給我的快感 Oh God, will I find my peace? 我還會在這裡找到安身之境嗎? I need serenity, is this my serenity? 我懇求一片靜謐,這真的是我所追求的安寧嗎? ****** up but its what I need 我將一切燥亂生吞活剝 Oh God, will I find my peace? 吾欲求之寧境又在何方? I need serenity, is this my serenity? 我渴求安寧,這是我要尋得的寧境嗎? ****** up but its what I need 崩天坼地之時我觀賞這里永無寧日 Oh God, will I find my peace? 難道這就是我要找的那片無人涉足之地? I need serenity, is this my serenity? 我需要它,讓我目不復明,耳不復聰 ****** up but its what I need 在天崩地裂之中連渣都不剩吧! Oh God, will I find my peace? 與我追求的世外桃源一起轟然粉碎吧! I need serenity, is this my serenity? 我為此目標百受阻撓 ****** up but its what I need 將這一切都重新開始吧 Oh God, will I find my peace 我還能再尋回那一席淨土嗎? I need serenity, is this my serenity? 這是我苦苦尋求的那片無聲之地啊 ****** up but its what I need 將這個世界重新譜寫吧 Oh God, will I find my peace 只是為了內心的那份靜謐 I need serenity, is this my serenity? 我還能再尋得它嗎?