- Rex Orange County Japan 歌词
- Rex Orange County
- [Intro]
你将我的脑袋禁锢 You send me round my own head 对你的想念令我崩溃 Thoughts surrounding as I 你躺在我的专属大床上 Lay me down in my own bed 如同鸿羽落下 [Verse 1] 脑袋枕在冷如硬石的枕头上 With the sheets like weights 就连枕头外表像是灰白水泥 And brain tied down to a stone cold pillow 用心倾听 这是我最后的挽歌 But the pillow just feels like grey cement 耳边的情歌也不再是为我而唱 Open your ears for this is my final lament 虽然这不是第一次 Love songs ain't for me no more 这个男人能为你倾尽所有 But these won't be the last you hear for sure 包括金钱 欲望 Cause men will send you everything you need 身外之物在你心底的地位比我高出许多 Plus the money, *** 这与Alex无关 And I can bet they'll all be taller than me 毫无关系 But this isn't about Alex 这只是一个女孩改变了男孩的故事 It never was, you see 但这绝不是 It's about the girl who changed him 与Alex无关 But it wasn't meant to be 与我也无关 No this was never about Alex 这并非特殊 Never about me 这是被爱情蒙蔽了双眼 It's about the one that was not the one 爱为何物 But I was love-blind to see 这就是爱吗 But what is love 这只是我深深牵挂的困扰 Or was this love 这是爱情吗 我从不知晓 Or just a minor obsession with what I thought I needed 可我时日不多 Was this love, I will never know 现在是时候离开了 But I feel my time is up 无需等我 But now it's just time for me to go 无需等待 Don't wait for me 我尊重你的选择 Please don't wait 如若你变心了 I respect your decision 如今为时不晚 But if you ever have a change of heart Know that it's not too late