- Sara Kays High School 歌词
- Sara Kays
- Twelve years old, I suddenly felt the world look at me
十二岁那年,我猛然发觉整个世界都将目光聚焦于我身上 My bones, every inch of my body, size ten 我的每一寸骨骼,乃至身体的每一个部分 Size three, no size made me happy 十码,三码,找不到一个让我满意的尺码 Seventeen, same thing, just wishing I was anyone but me 十七岁时,情况依旧毫无改善,我只希望我有所改变 Nineteen, I'm still waiting for the day 十九岁了,我依旧期盼着那一天的到来 I don't hate myself for what I ate 一日三餐的内容不足以让我怨恨自己 Numbers change but I look the same 岁月的侵蚀也不足以让我的样貌有哪怕一丝丝改变 They say one day, you'll grow old and it'll go away 他们说终有一天,当你老去之时,情况便会有所好转 I thought all of this ended in high school 我曾幻想着这一天在高中毕业之前就来到 I thought I wouldn't I feel the way I do 我想我便是那个口是心非的人 Everyday I wish that I could be someone new 每时每刻我都向往着能够成为一个全新的自我 I've nevеr looked in the mirror and saw what I wanted to 但镜中的那个人总会将我的美好念想击得粉碎 It's impossiblе to be what I want myself to be 想要成为理想中的样子几乎是无稽之谈 How will I ever be happy? 怎样才能让我紧皱的眉头松弛一下 How will I ever love me? 怎样才能让我的嘴角上扬一丝 I thought all of this ended in high school 我曾幻想着这一天在高中毕业之前就来到 But I was wrong 'cause I feel the way I did and the way I do 但事实上我错了,我的一举一动都遵从着大脑的支配 Everyday I wish that I could be someone new 每时每刻我都向往着能够成为一个全新的自我 I've never looked in the mirror and saw what I wanted to 但镜中的那个人总会让我的美好幻想化作浮云