- The Stupendium Rest Employed 歌词
- The Stupendium
- (song by the Stupendium)
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One-fifty-one thousand, six hundred people die 十--五万--一千,又六百个人死去, Everyday on Earth ——在地球上的每一天 And if that's not a reason to cry 而如果那还不足以让你落泪的话 WELL... 好吧…… It's an awful lot of paperwork 那可代表着一堆繁冗的文书 It's your first day at work 你入职的第一天 How've you settled in? 待得怎么样? Shaken off the rigor mortis? 才刚摆脱尸僵? Sorted out your pencil tin? 仅整理好铅笔盒? Welcome to our newest resident skeleton 欢迎我们新来的这位骷髅实习生 What better heaven than a desk to spend forever in? 还有比永远都能打发时光的办公桌还要消遣的天堂吗? Now your body may be shrivelled up and worthless 也许你千疮百孔的身躯已腐朽得一文不值 At least we know your funeral will be a civil service 但至少我们得知你的葬礼服务将体面出殡 Persons so superfluous are living on the surface 过剩的人口正在地表上增殖 It's nothing so perturbing 何需烦恼不安 We're just trimming off the surplus 我们只需裁剪掉多余部分即可 It isn't murder if you cause a little accident 若你造成了些小意外别直呼谋杀 We prefer to word it as some 我们更愿意将其冠名为 'MORTAL MIDDLE MANAGEMENT' “凡人中值管理措施” There's a door 有一扇后门 We've got millions of applicants 我们的求职人员正在那排起长龙 Dying for some corporate incorporeal entanglement 为了这份解决灵体瓜葛的工作而挤破头皮
任何生灵终将逝去 Everything living has to die But to die you need not apply 但你无需申请你的死亡 WE'LL 我们会 FIND 找到 YOU 你 When your time's through 当你的时间耗尽时 Take a number wait in line 在队伍里拿好号码 Live your life and we'll be 好好享受余生而我们将 RIGHT 尾 BE- 随 HIND 而 YOU 来 Nothing certain but 世事无常但除 DEATH AND TAXES 死亡与赋税 So I guess you'd better 所以我想你要尽量 Get some practise 上手实习 Nothing certain but 世事无常但除 DEATH AND TAXES 死亡与赋税 So I guess you'd better 所以我想你要尽量 So I guess you'd better... 所以我想你要尽量……
You've got targets to prove yourself 你需要些指标来证明自己 Here's some targets peruse yourself 这些款项需要你亲自研读 Shoo a few humans off the mortal shelf 把些许凡人从生死簿上随手扫掉 To the floor 任其向下堕去 We'll be polishing the coffins 我们会趁机把棺材好好抛光 As you off a couple more 在你努力完成指标的时候 We need: “我们需要: *A botanist(die) 一位植物学家、 *Two paleontologists(die) 两位古生物学家或化石学家、 *A newspaper columnist(die) 一位新闻专栏写手、 (whose views MAY be communist) (最好是个共产主义者) *A shoe salesman(die) 一个卖鞋的家伙 (possible balloon hobbyist) (尽量是个气球爱好者) ps:just another couple popped clogs for your shopping list 只不过又是你购物清单上的一连串名字
No slacking on the grave packing 送葬可不能耽误 Ever more to kill 死者多多益善 Death row DEPLORABLES 一连串的死亡不仅触目兴叹 INCURABLES 无可救药 and 'SORT OF ILL' 还“有点”病入膏肓 Every person,animal and plant has a form to fill 每位先生、每种动植物都需要填好表格 We've got departments 我们甚至有个部门 Solely tasked with killing chlorophyll 专职负责带走叶绿素 So of course you will 因此你理所当然地 Toe the life-line and behave 要在生命线上踮起脚尖好好表现 Or you'll be filing dandelions 不然就会化作蒲公英随风消散 Before you've had your tea break 甚至来不及品口下午茶 Humanity's in balance 人类都被挂在天平上等待差额的调和 If that balance isn't repaid 而如果这种和谐的制衡被谁打破 Interns can be INHUMED and REPLACED 被取代的实习生就只能迁坟而葬
Everything living has to die 万物都会归于死亡 But to die you need not apply 可冥界无需你的应聘 WE'LL 等着 FIND 我们 YOU 上门 When your time's through 只要你的时代过去了 Take a number wait in line 带着叫号单专心排队 Live your life and we'll be 善度你最后的时光而我们将 RIGHT 在 BE- 你 HIND 身 YOU 后 Nothing certain but “万事皆虚”并不适用于 DEATH AND TAXES 死亡和赋税 So I guess you'd better 因此我猜你最好 Get some practise 好好练习 Nothing certain but “万事皆虚”并不适用于 DEATH AND TAXES 死亡和赋税 So I guess you'd better 因此我猜你最好 So I guess you'd better... 因此我猜你最好
ASHES TO ASHES 尘归尘 NINE TO FIVE 朝九晚五 The light in the tunnel has been privatised 土下的最后一抹曙光早已被私人占据 Robes were so behind the times 礼袍是多么地不合年代 These obituaries don't give any time for SCYTHES 讣告也无法延迟镰刀的落下 Population moderation's not the worst fate 最糟糕的宿命远不是种群适度 Your occupation's the salvation of the hearse trade 你的工作可是对殡葬行业的伟大救赎 For generations we've been racing for the FIRST place 世世代代我们都在为着出单率而力争上游 But we've spent the centuries in SECOND to the birth rate 但千年百纪后我们才放缓了次时代的更替
Everything living has to die 世间一切最后只会沦为无物 But to die you need not apply 不过想要离开这个世界不用报告 WE'LL 你会 FIND 被我们 YOU 发现 When your time's through 在终焉时刻来临之际 Take a number wait in line 手持编码跟在人群后 Live your life and we'll be 安心等待大限到来而我们 RIGHT 就 BE- 在 HIND 这 YOU 呢 Nothing certain but 没什么能被确定除了 DEATH AND TAXES 死亡和赋税 So I guess you'd better 因而我觉得你需要 Get some practise 多点实践 Nothing certain but 亘古不变的真理只有 DEATH 死亡 AND 与 TAXES 赋税 So I guess you'd better 那就请好自为之 so I guess you'd better... 请一定要好自为之……
Dear intentions, 亲爱的各位应聘生: We're gathered here today to pay tribute to the life of the past. 今日我们齐聚一堂,满怀敬意地为已故之人的亡魂而哀悼 And to welcome him to the office. 而事务所在此恭迎他的加入 May he REST EMPLOYED. 愿其永垂不“休” (Great!) (完)
The Stupendium
Rest Employed (Death and Taxes Song)
- The Stupendium
> Tune Into The Madness
> The Fright Before Christmas
> And So We Fall (Fall Guys Song)
> Find the Keys
> Loki vs. Count Olaf (feat. The Stupendium & Shwabadi)
> Rogue's Gallery (Animal Crossing Song)
> Don't Let the Bellhops Bite (Dark Deception Song)
> I'm Dead Cypher (feat. Rustage, Shwabadi, Connor Quest!, Freeced, Professor Kuro, Isthatfr0st, FrivolousShara, Sinewave Fox & The Stupendium)
> Anime Singing Cypher (feat. Wülf Boi, The Stupendium, Shwabadi, Chi-Chi & Sailorurlove)
> Give Me Your Hand (Baby In a Backpack)