- Girlfriend 歌词 Christine and the Queens
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- Christine and the Queens Girlfriend 歌词
- Christine and the Queens
- Chris !
我在转瞬间登仙,又在顷刻间回归 I'm gone in a flick, but back in a second 咸湿的肌肤,道不清原因的腥红 With salted skin, rash for no reason 男孩子的臂膀紧拥不放,女孩子在艳羡中嗔喘不息 Boys are loading their arms, girls gasp with envy 他们到底在不休地模仿着谁呢? F-f-for whom are they mimicking endlessly? 老套的伤心事化作颌上的痘 Same old sadness in small lumps on my jaw 因为期待已久的便是那惯例的怪胎秀 For lusting after is the usual freak show 也许你的女孩春来潮涌,鸟儿仙死在策马奔腾中 May your girl come, birdie die under this spur 手指激愤地抵住喉颈,然后…… F-f-f-fingers angrily sunk on the jugular, then 女朋友 Girlfriend 不只是女朋友 Don't feel like a girlfriend 还是爱人 But lover 淦,我会成为你的爱人的 Damn, I'd be your lover 女朋友 Girlfriend 不只是女朋友 Don't feel like a girlfriend 还是爱人 But lover 淦,我会成为你的爱人的 Damn, I'd be your lover (Touché, touché yeah) Yes♂sir,我湿透了全身,因为我已将自己的脸面丢入欲湖之中 Yes sir, I am wet, for I abandoned my fame in the lake 现在让我们看看你的呼吸可以多么紧促 Let's see now how fast you're breathing 看看这一切可以多么持久 And how long this will all take 那些曾经错过我的人 Those who used to pass by me 还以为自己是在和一个爱情骗子划清界限 Think they are baffling a liar 去你们的吧 F-**** is you? 你们还没来得及品尝到更可口之处! You don't even taste much better! 清晨时分,浸润着汗水回马一枪 Came back steaming in sweats in the morning 我用尽全力挤入他的身体,只为将他紧攥 I muscled in for I wanted to hold him 然后一阵抽搐蜷缩,任猎鸟犬粗暴地向前扑去 Then shriveled to let those bird-dogs rage through 忘掉你我 F-**** is me? 忘掉一切,忘掉世界,就现在 F-**** is you, f-**** is you, now 女朋友 Girlfriend (Girlfriend) 不只是女朋友 Don't feel like a girlfriend 还是爱人 But lover (lover) 淦,我会成为你的爱人的 Damn, I'd be your lover 女朋友 Girlfriend (Girlfriend) 不只是女朋友 Don't feel like a girlfriend 还是爱人 But lover (lover) 淦,我会成为你的爱人的 Damn, I'd be your lover Chris,我不知你为何神魂颠倒 Chris, I don't know why you trippin' 触摸,触摸,尽情地触摸吧 Touché, touché, touché, touché 触摸,触摸,尽情地触摸吧 Touché, touché, touché, touché 触摸,触摸,尽情地触摸吧 Touché, touché, touché, touché 触摸,触摸(准备好继续颠鸾倒凤吧,小女孩) Touché, touché(You got to keep on rollin' girl) 触摸,触摸(翻滚,继续翻滚) Touché, touché(Keep rollin', rollin') (宝……宝贝)触摸,触摸,尽情地触摸吧 (B-b-b-baby) Touché, touché, touché, touché (宝……宝贝)触摸,触摸,尽情地触摸吧 (B-b-b-baby) Touché, touché, touché, touché (宝……宝贝)触摸,触摸,尽情地触摸吧 (B-b-b-baby) Touché, touché, touché, touché (哦……不要)触摸,触摸,尽情地触摸吧(yeah♂) (Oh no) Touché, touché, touché, touché(Yeah)