- Woody Guthrie Dust Bowl Refugee 歌词
- Woody Guthrie
我因沙尘暴而流亡 I'm a dust bowl refugee 仅是一个沙尘暴难民 Just a dust bowl refugee 从沙暴到桃源 From that dust bowl to the peach bowl 那桃子上的绒毛诱人之极 Now that peach fuzz is killing me 穿过山川直至海洋 Cross the mountains to the sea 来的是我的一家人 Come the wife and kids and me 这是一个尘土飞扬的旧公路 It's a hot old dusty highway 专是为了难民 For a dust bowl refugee 艰难,永远是那样艰难 Hard, it's always been that way 今天我们就在路上 Here today and on our way 走下山峰,穿过沙漠 Down that mountain, 'cross the desert 就是一群难民 Just a dust bowl refugee 他们说我们是漫步者 We are ramblers, so they say 我们今天就在这里 We are only here today 我们走过四季变换 Then we travel with the seasons 我们就是沙暴的难民 We're the dust bowl refugees 来自南部的干旱土地 From the south land and the drought land 来的是我们一家人 Come the wife and kids and me 旧世界依旧如此艰难 And this old world is a hard world 对于沙暴流亡者来说 For a dust bowl refugee 是的,我们漫步而流浪 Yes, we ramble and we roam 这些公路就是我们的家 And the highway that's our home 这是永无终点的公路 It's a never-ending highway 对于沙暴流亡者来说 For a dust bowl refugee 是的,我们漫步又工作 Yes, we wander and we work 在你的作物和水果间工作 In your crops and in your fruit 就像沙漠里席卷的旋风 Like the whirlwinds on the desert 那就是我们沙暴流亡者 That's the dust bowl refugees 我是沙暴流亡者 I'm a dust bowl refugee 我因沙暴而流浪 I'm a dust bowl refugee 我也在怀疑 And I wonder will 我会否永远流浪? I always Be a dust bowl refugee?