- lasah
- monday's gone
周一已经结束 tuesday she spilled a can of cherry coke 周二她弄洒了一罐樱桃可乐 wednesday's yawn 周三令人打哈欠 thursday it's a hundred degrees in new york 周四的纽约气温足有一百度
周五的夜晚 friday nights 游行的光芒 parade lights 今晚是独立日 it's independence day tonight 窗帘合上 the curtain's drawn 明天到来,就这样结束 here comes tomorrow,this is how it ends: 再见啦,天空中的华盛顿
蓝眼睛的总统啊 bye-bye, washington in the sky 你的谎言如此讽刺,如此真实 blue-eyed president here's your lie 我要离开此处,一百万年 so ironically it's right 初恋的味道是苹果派 I'm going off,a million years. 我最后的一个七月四日
我只想要一句告别罢了 first love tasted like apple pie 我梦到了那个夏日的夜晚 that was my last fourth of july 周一已经结束 all I wanted was one goodbye 周二CBS通知天上下着黑雨 I'm dreaming of that summer night. 周三令人打哈欠
周四她蜷在沙发上等待火星的进攻 monday's gone 周五的夜晚 tuesday told CBS it's raining black 哑谜游戏的灯光 wednesday's yawn 今晚将我们的爱减速 thursday she's on the couch for mars attacks 近乎黎明
明天到来, friday nights 世界下降: charade lights 飞行状态良好 we're decelerating love tonight 可我的蜜月没有新娘 it's almost dawn 告诉我为什么月亮如此明亮 here comes tomorrow, 我依然能看到你,一千里之外 and the world descends: 抱歉啊,我必须变得狡猾
我应当回答你所有的疑问 it's a perfectly weathered flight 我只是想要成为你的骄傲 but my honeymoon's with no bride 我向往着那个夏夜 tell me why the moon is so bright 再见啦,天空中的华盛顿 I still see you,a thousand miles. 蓝眼睛的总统啊
你的谎言如此讽刺,如此真实 sorry I had to be so sly 我要离开此处,一百万年 I should've answered to all your whys 初恋的味道是苹果派 all I wished was to be your pride 我最后的一个七月四日 I'm longing for that summer night. 我只想要一句告别罢了
我梦到了那个夏日的夜晚 bye-bye, washington in the sky blue-eyed president here's your lie so ironically it's right I'm going off,a million years. first love tasted like apple pie
that was my last fourth of july all I wanted was one goodbye I'm dreaming of that summer night.