- lasah NAMED AFTER YOU 歌词
- lasah
- music by Album Leaf
lyrics by lasah
黎明时分 at the break of dawn 引领你的一缕炊烟 one wisp of smoke that guides you 降临至无名的星球 made its way to a nameless star 在其消失之际 as it fades away 我把它命名为希望 I named it something like hope 并许下时常仰望天际的诺言 promising to look up at times 流光冲撞 lights collide, 春风拂去你的囹圄 the winds of spring have set you free 你的王座依旧静静矗立 your throne still lingers quietly 如沉睡的雄狮一般 like a lion that sleeps 我将等待你的闪耀 I'll be waiting for you to shine, 你的再度闪耀 again. 我所需要的只有孤独 loneliness was all I need 来把你存留于我蒙昧的梦中 to keep you in my silly dream 仿若光芒夺目的钻石 like a diamond that gleams 我也等待着你的闪耀 I'll be waiting for you to shine, 你的再度闪耀 again. 如沉睡的雄狮一般 like a lion that sleep 我将等待着你 I'll be waiting for you 在每一个白昼 every day 在每一个夜晚 every night 穷尽一生 all my life, 我都会如此等待着 (I'll be waiting) 黎明时分 at the break of dawn 引领你的一缕炊烟 one wisp of smoke that guides you 降临至无名的星球 made its way to a nameless star 生命同我擦肩 life will pass me by 当我终于看见你时 and when I finally see you 当我呼唤你它的名字时 你会朝我微笑么? will you smile when I call its name 你是指引我归途的光芒 you're the light that brings me home ×3 于是我将它以你的名字命名 so I named it after you. 于是我将它以你的名字命名 so I named it after you. ×3