- lasah i . c . u 歌词
- lasah
忧愁如流星一样消散 sorrow fades like a shooting star 有人在深睡,下一个就轮到我去死刑区了 somebody's sleeping, death row is creeping 明天啃食着我们最亲密的伤痕 is my turn next, tomorrow feeds on our dearest scars 白色床单散发着血腥味,针管漏着药剂 white sheets are reeking, needles are leaking 我本应知道的 I should've known that 爱应当是愚蠢的恶心的可怜的 love was supposed to be silly, gross and pitiful 爱应当是眩晕的贴近的凄惨的可是 love was supposed to be dizzy, close and miserable but 我看到了你 I see you. 爱不过是你玩耍的手心手背黑白配 love was a game you played, eeny meeny miny moe 爱属于那些付出代价的人,抓住老虎的脚趾尖 love was for those who paid, catch a tiger by its toe 是这样吗? is it true? 撕裂我啊,双眼圆睁望着你哭泣 tear me apart, my eyes wide open staring into yours as I cry 粉碎心脏,我的生命值不上你一秒的时间 crush my heart, was my life worth a second of your time? 我看到你在候诊室 i . c . u in the waiting room 我看到你祈祷不要离开 i . c . u praying don't leave 我看到你在圣母的子宫里 i . c . u in saint mary's womb 我看到你以吻晚安 i . c . u kiss good-night, 也许你和我们一样呢 maybe you're just like one of us. 如果我可以向那苍穹中的渺小星星许愿的话 if there's one thing I can wish upon that tiny star above 我能够待在你的身边,变成照亮你夜晚的光亮 can I stay by your side, and be the light that shines by you at night. 空洞的歌声在冰冷的急诊室里回响 hollow sings in the cold ER 有谁祈祷深信着,而天国调侃嘲弄 someone's believing, heaven's just teasing 下一个就轮到我了,曾经的你被一个黑影依附 it's my turn next, a shadow clings onto who you were 无影灯喀吱作响,手术刀隐隐切过 astral lamps are creaking, scalpels are sneaking 可现在我知道了 but now I know that 我应当去寻找爱这个东西 love was supposed to be something I was looking for 我应当去寻找爱这个东西 love was supposed to be something I was longing for 因为是你啊 cause it's you. 将我活杀,再见了啊我的摇篮曲 kill me alive, goodbye my lullaby 给我撒一个在上帝将死之时 tell me a lie that someone tries and cries 有谁尝试着痛苦着的谎吧 when god's going to die. 撕裂我啊,双眼圆睁望着你哭泣 tear me apart, my eyes wide open staring into yours as I cry 粉碎心脏,我的生命值不上你一秒的时间所以啊 crush my heart, was my life worth a second of your time? so, 折断灵魂,连我的最微小的碎片都不要在你之内保留因为 break my soul, don't leave a sallet piece of me inside you because 带走呼吸,无论何处我都能找到你的那颗孤独的星星 take my breath, I'll find your lonely star in everywhere 我看到你在安眠药片间 i . c . u in the sleeping pills 我看到你笑着祝我好梦 i . c . u smiling sweet dreams 我看到你在我们的夜莺中 i . c . u in our nightingales 我看到你以吻晚安 i . c . u kiss good-night, 也许你和我们一样呢 maybe you're just like one of us. 我看到一道将我们隐藏的光亮 I see a light that hides us two 我看到和真理一同死去的夜晚 I see a night that dies with truth 我看到了一个袒护着你的人生 I see a life that sides with you 我看到你了,你看到我了吗? I see you, do you see me too?