- "Ladies & gentlemen Boys girls
We ready U ready? Fall down baby" One ワガママ信じたのにTrouble One 任性地相信却是Trouble そして残った哀しみはDouble 剩下的哀伤则是Double 走り続けてもNo way out まだまだ夢はFaraway 不断奔跑仍是No way out 梦依然Faraway Two もう クラクラするよな Two 已经 筋疲力尽的 嘘や裏切りの毎日で そう君と 行こう 充满谎言与背叛的每一天 是的 与你同行吧 One(One)Two (Two)Three Here we go! Like this… I see the light It's callin' Tonight is the night 見えない未来へ 朝向未知的未来 Even if the sky fall down I see the light It's callin' Tonight is the night 消えないキズナで 以无法消失的羁绊 Even if the sky fall down "Runaway ha? U are a chicken Verse 2" Three コノママ終り? No problem Three 就这样结束?No problem いつも胸に光るEmblem 胸中总发着光的Emblem 迷いながらもWake up again 纵然迷惘也要Wake up again 暴走まるでCrazy train 直到暴走为止Crazy train Four もう ジメジメするよな Four 别再 踌躇犹豫 愚痴や言い訳は吐き捨てて 丢掉抱怨与借口 そう君と 飛ぼう 是的 和你一起飞翔 One(One)Two (Two)Three Jumpin' up! Like this… I see the light It's callin' Tonight is the night 見えない未来へ 朝向未知的未来 "逃げてんならKeep on runaway Come on" "逃避的话Keep on runaway Come on" Even if the sky fall down I see the light It's callin' Tonight is the night 消えないキズナで 以无法消失的羁绊 "言い訳並べんならLet it go" "这么多借口的话Let it go" Even if the sky fall down I see the light It's callin' Tonight is the night 果てない明日へ 前往没有尽头的明天 "這いずっても食らいつけよ Come on" "用爬的也要跟上Come on" Even if the sky fall down I see the light It's callin' Tonight is the night 今を止めないで 别停滞留下 "死んでねぇだけ 「生きろ」 今だろ?" "还没有死 「活下去吧」 就是现在对吧?" Even if the sky fall down
"I know you scary 4 me Good boy Listen" Tell me what U wanna do Tell me what U wanna do Tell me what U wanna do Tell me what da fxxx U wanna do Get wild
"One who was wearing the lousy trousers was me 'N who was drunken by the *** Pistols and the bottle of whiskey was me One more time Listen up baby" 朝向未知的未来 I see the light It's callin' Tonight is the night 見えない未来へ "Wake up I wanna go I gotta go" Even if the sky fall down 以无法消失的羁绊 I see the light It's callin' Tonight is the night 消えないキズナで "Go wherever U want Just stop?" Even if the sky fall down 前往没有尽头的明天 I see the light It's callin' Tonight is the night 果てない明日へ "Stand up ya middle finger right? Come on" Even if the sky fall down 别停滞留下 I see the light It's callin' Tonight is the night 今を止めないで "Yo only God can judge me ya know?" Even if the sky fall down Even if the sky fall down Even if the sky fall down