- Cass McCombs Cry 歌词
- Cass McCombs
- No gold for bards
没有碎金可赠予吟游诗人 No laurel enough to bushel into a bed 没有月桂花香来伴我入眠 You tell me one thing and do the other- that’s weird! 你欲为我引路,自己却言行不一,令人愤懑 No more cliche songs 我再没有陈词滥调可以吟唱了 Nothing less 手中剩下的 Than every once 只有你昔日的真心 Of your heart 那赤诚的真心 Though horses could easily pull me apart 尽管驾着烈马轻易将我的肉体撕碎吧 No rhetoric and no gold for bards 我也再没有华丽的辞藻与碎金可赠予诗人 Digging for carrots in the moonlight like an immigrant 在午夜月光下采挖胡萝卜,似漂泊无根的移民异类 Tearing through plastic bags like an addict 将脆弱的塑料袋撕个粉碎,我已变成迷失的瘾君子 You tell me one thing and do the other- that’s weird! 你欲为我引路,自己却言行不一,令人愤懑 Are you still listening? 你还在听吗? I can’t do nothing for you, can’t you see I have no feet? 我命如浮萍,孑然一身,再也没有什么可奉献于你 We’re like two peas in a pod- Netflix and die 你我本是蜉蝣之辈,朝时共生,暮刻同死 Go on and cry 继续哭吧 Go on and cry 涕泗滂沱 You’re lost for the search for Agartha 你潜心追寻世外桃源,却早已迷失在异国他乡 You’re lost up your own ass 连绵的岔路歧途间,生之所向又为何物 Lost in the oil rainbow’s blue purple shine 幻象中五光十色的妖冶彩虹挟去了魂灵 Lost in bad poetry 迷失在味同嚼蜡的诗句间 Lost in logic 迷失在索然无味的逻辑里 Lost in a racist bourgeois town 迷失在种族主义的资产阶级城镇中 They say the remedy for heartache 人们说 饮下纯正的吉普赛人的眼泪 Is to drink actual gypsy tears 便是治愈心痛的良方 Is always adds up to the price of salt, why? 但为何我们又总要与之背道而驰呢? Go on and cry 继续哭吧 Go on and cry 涕泗滂沱 The ancients wrote it in the earth 祖先们早已在泥土上篆刻下真理 And the good spirits all are drunk 我们的斗志却醉倒在美酒佳酿中 Go on and cry 继续哭吧 Go on and cry 放声大哭 Go on and cry 涕泗滂沱 Go on and cry 继续哭吧 Go on and cry 放声大哭 Go on and cry 涕泗滂沱 Go on and cry, cry, cry 继续哭吧,哭吧,哭吧......