- Sabaton Unbreakable 歌词
- Sabaton
- By holding out baits, he keeps him on the march
“以利动之” then with a body of picked men he lies in wait “以卒待之” It’s under crimson skies hell’s horizon 苍穹红如血染,宛如地狱之涯 Our trap will spring 我们埋伏已久 Unaware of our presence they’ll be marching 敌寇浑然不知,依旧昂首阔步 Straight to their doom 直奔万丈深渊 We are prepared for war ready for fire 我们全副武装,时刻准备战斗 Stand by to charge 准备冲锋陷阵 Counting down as they march into destruction 敌人飞蛾扑火,毁灭指日可待 Their time has come 他们气数已尽 [02:17.59][03:39.82][04:57.35]They’ll never know we give no warning 他们毫不知情,我军天网恢恢 [02:24.81][03:44.66][05:01.70]We set a trap they took the bait 我们设下圈套,他们自投罗网 [02:30.41]Leading them straight into hell 送他们全下地狱 [02:35.00]They will not live to tell the tale 游击战不留活口 [02:40.96]We’ll strike at dusk and fight ‚til dawn 穷日尽夜,短兵相接 [02:46.70]Tonight our foe is bound to fail 夜幕降临,敌人必败 [02:52.35]Our time is now all ready at arms 出击时刻已到,早已枕戈待旦 Upon our chosen ground dead men marching 在我方有利地形,穷敌如行尸走肉 No sign of hope 草木皆兵 Victory will be ours before the dawn breaks 破晓时刻之前,胜利收入囊中 Tonight we charge 今晚乘胜追击 Chaos and disorder sound of the attack 他们毫不知情,我军天网恢恢 Charging down the mountain frontal assault 我们设下圈套,他们自投罗网 Guns light up the darkness mortars rip the ground 送他们全下地狱 Like a force of nature shaking the field 游击战不留活口 [05:05.27]Cut off retreat 穷日尽夜,短兵相接 [05:07.37]Release 夜幕降临,敌人必败 [05:09.44][05:27.26]Unleash 出击时刻已到,早已枕戈待旦 [05:11.80][05:29.62]The beast within berserker rage is 敌人阵脚大乱,战场杀声如雷 [05:16.09][05:33.73]Released 沿山倾泻而下,与敌正面交锋 [05:18.32]Unleashed 枪炮照亮黑夜,臼炮粉碎敌阵 [05:20.76]A storm a force unbreakable warmashine 犹如自然之力,大地为之震撼 Victims of the ambush Stain the ground with blood 他们毫不知情,我军天网恢恢 Fields of execution murderous plan 我们设下圈套,他们自投罗网 Soldiers turn to madmen in the dead of night 切断退路 Fighting with a fury fiery eyes 释放