- Nine Inch Nails Survivalism 歌词
- Nine Inch Nails
- I should have listened to her
我本该听信于她 So hard to keep control 太难以掌控 We kept on eating but 我们不停进食 Our bloated belly's still not full 但依然填不满我们肿胀的肚腹 She gave us all she had but 她赐予我们她的所有 We went and took some more 但我们却攫取更多 Can't seem to shut her legs 似乎无法闭合她的双腿 Our mother nature is a whore 我们的本性就是个娼妓 (chorus:) (副歌:) I got my propaganda 我有我的宣传伎俩 I got revisionism 我有修正主义
我有我的暴力 I got my violence 在高清的超真实之中 In hi-def ultra-realism 一切都是这伟大国度的一部分 All a part of this great nation 我有我的拳头 I got my fist 我有我的计划 I got my plan 我有生存第一主义 I got survivalism 塞壬那催眠的歌声 Hypnotic sound of sirens 越过街道回响着 Echoing through the street 步枪扳机的扣动 The cocking of the rifles 双脚的向前行进 The marching of the feet 你目睹你的世界焚之以火 You see your world on fire 别试图装作惊讶 Don't try to act surprised 我们只是做了你告诉我们的事 We did just what you told us 沿途遗失我们的信仰 Lost our faith along the way 然后发现我们对你的谎言正深信不疑 and found ourselves believing your lies (副歌) (chorus) 我有我的宣传伎俩 I got my propaganda 我有修正主义 I got revisionism 我有我的暴力
在高清的超真实之中 I got my violence 一切都是这伟大国度的一部分 In hi-def ultra-realism 我有我的拳头 All a part of this great nation 我有我的计划 I got my fist 我有生存第一主义 I got my plan (哗众取宠的演讲) I got survivalism 所有的受伤的与破碎的,流血的 (cut-up speech) 她请求携起我的手 All bruised and broken, bleeding 我转过身,只是继续行走 She asked to take my hand 但在此情境之下你得重蹈覆辙 I turned, just keep on walking 我确凿你会明白 But you'd do the same thing in the circumstance (副歌) I'm sure you'll understand 我有我的宣传伎俩 (chorus) 我有修正主义 got my propagandaI 我有我的暴力 I got revisionism 在高清的超真实之中 I got my violence 一切都是这伟大国度的一部分 In hi-def ultra-realism 我有我的拳头 All a part of this great nation 我有我的计划 I got my fist 我有生存第一主义 I got my plan END I got survivalism END