- In a restless search for new opportunities and new ways of living
在永无止境地探寻机遇,更新生活方式的旅程中 The mystery and the promise of distant horizons 远方的神秘与希望 Always have called men forward 总能激励我们不断向前 We are the lost and the silent 我们曾一度失落,默默无闻 We are the shackled and small 我们背负枷锁,无比渺小 We're looking up at the giants 我们仰望巨兽,勇敢迎击 We're going to watch when they fall 坚信会看到他们倒地的瞬间 Do you hear me? 你是否听到我的呼声 You're a Goliath to me 你就是我心中的哥利亚(圣经中被大卫杀死的巨人) I'll be there when the bombs unfurl, till the war is over 我将在炮弹炸响时于彼坚守,直至战争终结 Lay your burdens on me 让我把你的重任分担 I can bear all the weight of the world with you on my shoulders 让我们一起肩并肩,共同承担整个世界的重量 We weren't just following 我们不会仅仅追赶 We weren't just born to fade 我们的生命不会白白流逝 Our stories are past the horizon 我们的故事将越过地平线到达远方 We're chasing the sun till we find them 我们将追逐烈日,直至实现梦想 Goodbye to what we made 告别既往的成就 No matter anyway 无惧前路的艰苦 We're climbing until we transcend 我们将不断攀登超越 Higher, higher 步月登云 To where the skies end 直至天涯海角 These are the dreams of our fathers 这是我们父辈的理想 There'll be no wishing on stars 仅凭许愿当然不能实现 We are the sons and the daughters 我们作为后辈传承他们未了的心愿 Let them come test who we are 让他们试炼我们的实力 Can you hear me? 你可曾听到我内心的呼喊 You're a Goliath to me 你就是我心中的哥利亚(圣经中被大卫杀死的巨人) I'll be there when the guns break out, till the storm is over 我将在枪林弹雨中屹立不倒,直至风暴退去 Lay your burdens on me 让我把你的重任分担 I'll be there when your fate runs out you'll be on my shoulders 我将在你命运终结之时背负你的遗志 We weren't just following 我们不会仅仅追赶 We weren't just born to fade 我们的生命不会白白流逝 Our stories are past the horizon 我们的故事终将跨越时代 We're chasing the sun till we find them 我们将追逐烈日,直至实现梦想 Goodbye to what we made 告别既往的成就 No matter anyway 无惧前路的艰苦 We're climbing until we transcend 我们将不断攀登超越 Higher, higher 步月登云 To where the skies end 直至天涯海角 We left our chains 挣脱枷锁 We left them below 置之脑后 We are all rising above 我们不断飞升 We were not born to stay low 被压制束缚绝不是我们的宿命 Show me your strength 向我展示你的力量 It's more than you know 它必将超乎你的想象 You never know what you're made of 你从未了解你的坚韧 Until you set foot down below 直至你在此落脚 We knew this day was set long ago 这一天一开始就已注定 And when the sharks smell the blood 就如鲨鱼嗜血 They will all see it's their own (own, own, own, own) 是他们与生俱来的本能 We weren't just following 我们不会仅仅追赶 We weren't just born to fade 我们的生命不会白白流逝 Our stories are past the horizon 我们的故事终将跨越时代 We're chasing the sun till we find them 我们将追逐烈日,直至实现梦想 Goodbye to what we made 告别既往的成就 No matter anyway 无惧前路的艰苦 We're climbing until we transcend 我们将不断攀登超越 Higher, higher 步月登云 To where the skies end 直至天涯海角 In a search that has continued for centuries 在绵延数百年的远征中不断探索 Some far distant 向着看似遥不可及的目标 With this promise of the unseen 带着无形的承诺 And it's promise of the unknown 探索未知的誓言 Has forever fathered the impulse 永远驱动着我们探索的渴望 To seek for new things in new places 在新的世界找寻新的事物 New horizons 新的远方 User 34739, your battery's low 用户34739,您的电量不足 Your battery's low 您的电量严重不足 Shutting down 正在关机