- CHEOM JAR#1 單程票 歌詞
- 編曲: CHEOM
回想起過“那種生活”的最後一天 Recall the day of its last day 我正忙著收拾東西趕上飛機 I was gathering my stuff and got on airplane 我想著“至少不用一個人過生日了” I was like “Don't have to be alone on birthday” 但為什麼我又會如此想回到那樣的生活 But oh Jesus Christ why'd I wanna go back 某個瞬間我意識到我甚至沒有機會去同它告別或不捨 It even feels like I don't have the chance to say goodbye 即使它們帶來的坎坷讓我很痛 To my past lives even though they hurt me bad 真奇怪啊 It is so weird 當我度過它的時候一直在抱怨 While I'm in it I keep complaining it 可掙扎上岸後的感情複雜 Now I'm standing at the shoreline feeling complicated 或許這回就是最後一回 或許這回就是最後一回 即使痊癒也不會再純粹 即使痊癒也不會再純粹 我明白(是痛苦) I know(是痛苦) 我一直在成長(是禮物,也許) I know I've been growing enough(是禮物,也許) 讓自己準備好然後再回到那個世界(是醒悟,必經之路) Prepare myself to go back to the same world(是醒悟,必經之路) 我明白(似曾相識) I know(deja vu) 我知道我已經改變了許多(或許會很殘忍) I know I have changed so much that(I'll be cruel, but I) 也無法回到那個一模一樣的狀態了(我還是會做一樣的決定) I could never play the same chord (I'd choose the same, I'll choose the same road)