- CHEOM Syholic(Prod.Jianastic.X) 歌詞
- I see the sky is falling right before my eyes without you
多想掙脫我雙手鐐銬將你擁抱 這世界的規則被撰寫時一切還荒涼 打不破的枷鎖和詮釋愛的條條框框 有的笑有的不屑還有的稱其為荒唐 質疑聲重複問你為何成這般模樣 But love is love 也不必為此動搖選擇 不存在什麼取捨 讓偏見流入狹隘的河 同樣是美好墜落卻要成為海底秘密 拿未知做了籌碼攤牌後還要被定義 Call my name call my name Would you say You're in luv with me 當被問起她是誰 錯與對錯與對 會不會累 How we gonna be 斷崖前無法後退 來點開胃菜把他們的說教變無效藥 百毒不侵滾燙的冰融化春寒是遲早 Don't you run away 就做我的光 I am your fate你無處可藏 Can I take you out for a date oh I'll give you one chance to take me home All the way back don't leave in vain Our love is not for trade I can feel the pain in you I see the sky is falling right before my eyes without you 多想掙脫我雙手鐐銬將你擁抱 冬季末尾熱飲浸泡滲透明滅的夢 一腳踏空心臟的跳動my own planet失重 不想被自己情緒化的模樣牽著走 可不可以麻煩換你來牽住我的手 流言和蜚語 Don't you worry I will shut them down 若是有謾罵 Take it easy 我為你擋槍 Hater敢越界抽爛他們的嘴 就是玉皇大帝來了我們也是天生一對 Can I take you out for a date oh I'll give you one chance to take me home All the way back don't leave in vain Our love is not for trade I can feel the pain in you I see the sky is falling right before my eyes without you 多想掙脫我雙手鐐銬將你擁抱