- Weird Al Yankovic Amish Paradise 歌詞
- Weird Al Yankovic
- As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain
走在我那種植糧食的溪谷之上 I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain 我看了看我妻子才發覺她姿色平平 But thats just perfect for an Amish like me 不過這對阿米甚人來講堪稱完美 You know, I shun fancy things like electricity 可知電器對我而言是種大忌 At 4:30 in the morning Im milkin cows 在早晨四點半鐘我要擠牛奶 Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows... fool 傑貝戴亞要餵小雞傑格耕地傻瓜 And Ive been milkin and plowin so long that 我擠牛奶還有耕地得太久 Even Ezekiel things that my mind is gone 都忘記吉祺歐交代的事情 Im a man of the land, Im into discipline 我是這兒的地主我的地盤我做主 Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin 手裡握著本聖經下巴長著鬍子 But if I finish all of my chores and you finish thine 但要是吾做完吾事你做完汝之事 Then tonight were gonna party like its 1699 今晚我們就要高興地跳起樣歌舞 Weve been spending most our lives 我們已傾其一生 Living in an Amish paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 Ive churned butter once or twice 柴米油鹽半輩子 Living in an Amish paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 Its hard work and sacrifice 為人民服務最廣榮 Living in an Amish paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 We sell quilts at discount price 棉被瘋狂大甩賣 Living in an Amish paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 A local boy kicked me in the butt last week 上週壞小子踢了我一腳 I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek 量身板之物力結與人之歡心 I really dont care, in fact I wish him well 我不在乎實際上我知道 Cause Ill be laughing my head off when hes burning in hell 我會對下地獄的他瘋狂大笑 But I aint never punched a tourist even if he deserved it 我絕對不會不對遊客以牙換牙 An Amish with a tude? You know thats unheard of 從沒聽說有傲慢的阿米甚人 I never wear buttons, but I got a cool hat 我衣服沒鈕扣帽子倒是很酷 And my homeys agree I really look good in black... fool 弟兄都對我說一身黑真好看傻瓜 If you come to visit, youll be bored to tears 如果你來農家樂你會無聊得要死 We havent even paid the phone bill in 300 years 我們已經三百年沒付過電話費了 But we aint really quaint so please dont point and stare 不要像看動物園裡的猴子指指點點 Were just technologically impaired 我們只是和科技不是一路人 Theres no phone, no lights, no motorcar 沒有電話、燈光、摩托車 Not a single luxury 沒有物質享受 Like Robinson Caruso 活似魯濱遜漂流記 Its as primitive as can be 越原始越好 Weve been spending most our lives 我們已傾其一生 Living in an Amish paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 Were just plain and simple guys 我們是普通百姓 Living in an Amish paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 Theres no time for sin and vice 沒有空閒去作惡 Living in an Amish paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 We dont fight, we all play nice 絕不戰爭愛和平 Living in an Amish Paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 Hitchin up the buggy, churnin lots of butter 做上馬車兜風攪拌很多黃油 Raise a barn on Monday, soon Ill raise anutter 攢了一堆糧食很快又攢出一堆 Think youre really righteous? Think youre pure in heart? 你以為你最正義你以為你心靈純潔 Well, I know Im a million times as humble as thou art 我的心比你謙遜百萬倍 Im the pious guy the little Amlettes wanna be like 我是小阿米利特想要成為的那種虔誠人 On my knees day and night scorin points for the afterlife 在我祭拜日為後世積攢陰德 So dont be vain and dont be whiny 不要虛度光陰、發牢騷 Or else, my brother, I might have to get medieval on your heinie 不然哥們我就要好好教訓你一下 Weve been spending most our lives 我們已傾其一生 Living in an Amish paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 Were all crazy Mennonites 我們是門諾教派 Living in an Amish paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 Theres no cops or traffic lights 沒有警察、交通信號 Living in an Amish paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 But youd probably think it bites 你或許覺得很痛苦 Living in an Amish paradise 生活在那阿米甚天堂 Ah oh oh oh, oh oh oh. 啊哦哦哦哦哦哦哦 Ah oh oh oh, oh oh YECCH! 啊哦哦哦哦哦哦哦唱得可以了