- Mudvayne small silhouette 歌詞
- Mudvayne
- Looking
看吧 Cant seem to get away 似乎已無處可逃 No one knows 無人知曉 No one except for me 除我之外無人在場 Paranoid 妄想 I cant stop looking over my shoulder 我忍不住回頭看 Stalking me, chasing me 它緊追不捨,與我寸步不離 Am I lost inside a dream 我是否已迷失在夢中 Life consumed with fear 生活充滿恐懼 Small silhouettes approaching 陰影向我走來 Chasing through this mystery 追尋這個秘密 Listening 聽吧 The deafening noise of silence 這震耳欲聾的沉寂 No ones there 四下無人 Always just the two of me 只有一分為二的自我 Turning 轉身 I cant stand with my back towards the door 我不能背對著門 Halting me , following 它如影隨形,擾亂我的思緒 Lost in my own memory 我已迷失在記憶中 Life consumed with fear 生活充滿恐懼 Small silhouettes approaching 陰影向我走來 Chasing through this mystery 追尋這個秘密 Shadow is drawing near 陰影步步逼近 Am I being taught a lesson 我是否要受到懲罰 By my own lifes history 因自己的人生歷史 Feel us watching 眼睜睜地看著 Voices are speaking to me 聲音此起彼伏 Pictures following 畫面緊跟其後 And they sit there pointing 都在那兒注視著我 I cant see, I cant fight, I cant leave, it wont die 它永不消逝,我看不見,鬥不過,逃不掉 Its become part of me 它早已滲透我的身體 I cant run, I cant hide, I cant run, it wont die 它永不消逝,我逃不掉,躲不過,避不開 Its always been a part of my life 它早已滲透我的生活 Guilt is digging deeper 這罪惡深不見底 Guilt is stretching deeper inside 這罪惡在內心越髮根植 Guilt is stabbing downward 這罪惡向地下蔓延 Guilt inside is killing me 這罪惡令我飽受煎熬 Life consumed with fear 生活充滿恐懼 Small silhouettesapproaching 陰影向我走來 Chasing through this mystery 追尋這個秘密 Shadow is drawing near 陰影步步逼近 Am I being taught a lesson... 我是否要受到懲罰...