- WONK Blue Moon 歌詞
告訴我該去何處 Tell me how we can go 我希望有那一天 and I hope will be one day 告訴我該去何處 Tell me how we can go 我希望有那一天 and I hope will be one day 躺在床上 On my bed 我做著夢 I dream a dream 另一世界 Another world 浮於腦海 Above my head 目前為止 So far to go 另一土地 Another land 尋常與不尋常交織 Usual unusual 一隻壞貓和一隻善良的鼠 A bad cat and a good mouse 水母在天空中沉沉浮浮 Jellyfish swims in the sky 沒人知道 No one knows that 為何海不傾倒 why the ocean won't fall 孩子們可能會帶著笑意舞蹈 The children may dance with a smile 告訴我該去何處 Tell me how we can go 我希望會有一天 and I hope will be one day 湛藍的月被分割兩半 The blue moon divides 日復一日 Days are rolling 如流雲般 like the clouds flowing 你生命的光彩在遠方曜曜 Your life shines from away 躺在床上 In my bed 夢中醒來 Awake from a dream 另一邊 It's on this side 在這條路 On the road 步行的公鴨 A drake walking 從那邊來的嗎? Came from that side? 真是奇怪 Something so weird 強者敗下陣來 A strong sheep loses 月蝕殺死馬匹 Lunar eclipse kills horses 在寒風中思念爺爺的背影 Missing grandpa's back in the cold cold wind 下方白翼提掠而過 below the white wings flying through 告訴我該去何處 Tell me how we can go 我希望會有一日 And I hope will be one day 湛藍的月被分割兩半 The blue moon divides 日復一日 Days are rolling 如流雲般 like the clouds flowing 你生命的光輝在遠處曜曜 Your life shines from away