- Wildcat! Wildcat! TowerW.O.H.L. 歌詞
- Wildcat! Wildcat!
如此年輕力旺的少年哦 How young child 勿記過去所有的質疑與猜測 Remember that stare 放下身段勤勤懇懇 Put your head down low 默默無聞培養耐心 Keep your head down low 毫無畏懼投身虎口 Play that game 一切榮華富貴名聲財產 Hall of fame 皆讓它隨風而散 Put your head down low 卯足狠勁不懈拼搏 Fighting with your head down low 我們啊~~~ Are we oh, are we oh, oh 我們都是踏上漫漫長路的少年行者啊 Just kids on the go-go, yeah 儘管我們目前看起來一文不值啊 Are we what, are we what, though 就讓一切隨風而逝 Just to play with our heads low 放下驕傲踏上輝煌的征程吧! Just to play with our heads low 喔~儘管我們處於名利邊緣 Oh, we are okay on the edge 喔~縱使我們一文不名 Oh, we are okay on the edge 喔~無懼我們初出茅廬 Oh, we are okay on the edge 初生牛犢不怕虎我們能改變一切啊 On the edge! 俯身不語 Take a bow 永不停止啊! Never stop 縱使我們不處於世界中心 我們依舊坦坦蕩盪前途光明一片! Feels just like we are standing on the edge of the world 每人都是從孤獨過來卻不知自己已然身處穆迪塔之巔! All along, never know what we on moody tower 縱使曾經幾欲放棄 Maybe once, killed the ... 就算我們不處於權力巔峰我們任然初生牛犢不怕虎啊! Feels just like we are standing on the edge of the world 現在開始吧找到正確的路 Take our time, find a line 我們應該忘記一些不開心的過往啊... . We need to forget