- Eliane Suddenly Breathing 歌詞
- Eliane
- A flower gently hiding from the sun
花朵悄然避開陽光 A night without the moon just won't come 無月的寧靜夜晚不會降臨 A rainbow missing colors in the sky 空中的彩虹只剩下黑白 A song without the voice is silent to cry 無聲的歌曲是沉默的哭喊 Talk this time, eyes will closed 這次不要是這樣了,我緊緊閉著雙眼 I didn't see what I needed the most 我並沒有看見我所需要的 All my life, held my breath 我這一生,都屏著呼吸黯然處世 But baby you show me what I've always missed 但是,親愛的,你帶我領略了我長久以來所錯過的色彩 And suddenly I am breathing 突然之間我開始呼吸 And suddenly I am free and I am ready to fly 倏忽之間我掙開枷鎖準備展翅飛翔 I am breathing 我宛若新生 Like butterflies fluttering by 彷彿成群蝴蝶翩然而至 I am suddenly breathing 轉瞬之間,我宛若新生 A melody is end in major scale 一段旋律以明麗的大音階結尾 A notion dancing slowly with the waves 抽象的概念隨著溫和的海浪緩緩起舞 But skilled trying to fix a broken stray,em~ 你還是在嘗試擁抱我這個破碎的流浪者 And the bird does not afraid to spread its wings 那麼我也不會懼怕飛向這片新世界 And with my eyes, open wide 我把這絢爛的一切盡收眼底 I can see clearly in that love in the light 我身處你溫柔愛意的光芒中,看得清晰 All my life, held my breath 我這一生啊,都屏著呼吸雙眼冷漠 But baby you show me what I've always missed 但是呀,親愛的,你帶我領略了我長久以來所錯過的美好 And suddenly I am breathing 突然之間我開始用心呼吸 And suddenly I am free and I am ready to fly 倏忽之間我獲得自由準備扶搖直上 I am breathing 我宛如新生 Like butterflies fluttering by 如同五彩蝴蝶紛然而至 I'm suddenly breathing 突然之間氣息湧入我的鼻腔 I'm suddenly breathing 頃刻之間我懂得了生活 I'm suddenly breathing 驀地,我宛若新生 I'm suddenly breathing,breathing, breathing 霎時之間我的世界柳暗花明,宛如新生 A piece,a piece, it's upon to see the sky 一片,一片,拼湊起了我仰望著的蔚藍天 I'm suddenly breathing 突然之間我開始用心呼吸 I'm suddenly breathing 轉瞬之間我宛若新生 With every step I take,you're by my side 我人生的每一步從此都有你相伴 Finally free and finally breath then 我終於自由,終於開始生活 Hoo~ ,hoo~,hoo~,hoo~,hoo~ hoo~ And suddenly I am breathing 突然之間氣息湧入我的鼻腔 And suddenly I am free and I am ready to fly 剎那之間我的眼前不復灰暗的牢籠,準備肆意翱翔 I am breathing 我宛若新生 Like butterflies fluttering by 彷彿蝴蝶翩然而至,將我簇擁 And suddenly I am breathing 頃刻之間我宛若新生 And suddenly I am free and I am ready to fly 剎那之間我不復束縛,準備迎風翱翔 I am breathing 我獲得了新生 Like butterflies fluttering by 蝴蝶紛然而至將我擁住 I finally breath then 有你相伴,我的世界柳暗花明 I finally breath then 我獲得新生