- Fountains of Wayne A Road Song 歌詞
- Fountains of Wayne
- We're still in Wisconsin as far as I know
目前我們還在威斯康星州 Today was Green Bay and tomorrow Chicago 今天去了格林灣明天啟程芝加哥 Wish I was lying, but there isn't much to report 真希望我騙人的但確實沒什麼新鮮事兒 My phone is dying, so I've got to keep it short 我手機要沒電了所以長話短說 I just wanted to say hey 我就是想跟你打個招呼 I've been writing you a road song 這幾天我在給你寫首公路小調 It's a cliché, but hey 也許有點老套 That doesn't make it so wrong 但也沒什麼關係不是嗎 And in between the stops at the Cracker Barrel 無數次在路邊小館停車的時候 And forty movies with Will Ferrell 看了四十部威爾法瑞爾的電影的時候 I need some way to occupy my time 我總得乾點什麼打發時間 So I'm writing you a road song 所以我在給你寫這首公路小調 I sure hope you don't mind 你肯定不會介意的對吧
昨晚我給你買了件淺藍色T卹 I bought you a light blue T-shirt last night 那牌子我不認識 From some band I couldn 't stand 但是商標還不錯 But their logo's alright 有個小孩往舞台上扔了個瓶子 Some kid threw a bottle on stage 他的姿勢蠻專業的 He had an arm like a pro 我知道天色漸晚 I know it's getting late 我想我該讓你掛電話了 I guess I should let you go 但是我有沒有恰好提到呢? But did I happen to say hey? 這幾天我在給你寫首公路小調 I've been writing you a road song 請別被我嚇跑 Don 't run away, 'cause hey 我發誓這不會耽擱太久 I promise it won't be too long 我知道這不是你說的那種必需品 I know it's not what you call necessary 我也知道我不是史蒂夫佩里 And I know that I'm no Steve Perry 但就算你不甚滿意 But even if you roll your eyes and groan 我也還是會給你寫這首公路小調 I'm still writing you a road song 歌名隨便你定 That you can call your own